A Celebration

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Lester's POV

"What time you wanna do it?" I asked Courtney as I placed Caiden in her car seat.

"Five, so my mama will have time to come after she gets off work."

"Ight." I sighed.

"What's all that for, Lester?" She rolled her eyes.


"You acting like a bitch, you thought my mama wasn't coming to my daughter's first birthday party?" She mugged getting loud.

"Watch yo mouth." I looked up finally giving her the attention she was asking for.

"No, like are you dumb forreal?"

"Shut the fuck up, for real bruh."

"You shut the fuck up, you over here getting pissy 'cause my mama is coming like you didn't already know that!" She got off her bed walking over to me.

"Don't walk up on me." I held my arm out pushing her back.

"Don't touch me." She slapped my arm away from her.

"Fuck is you doing all this for?" I got in her face. "I ont' care 'bout yo mama coming she just need to act accordingly."

"Act accordingly to who, you? Fuck you nigga!" She yelled.

"Yea I'm leaving, you doing a lot." I shook my head grabbing my coat.

"Yea go ahead, get the fuck out before you piss me off." She spat.

My phone lit up and before I could think to grab it, Courtney got it off the bed. I tried to hurry up and grab it from her but she ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Courtney give me my phone!" I pounded against the wooden barrier and twisted the knob but that obviously wasn't working.

I heard her typing and got mad, she didn't pay any bill around this muthafucker to be going in nothing of mine. "Courtney stop playing with me and open this door before I break this bitch down!"

"Fuck you!"

I heard Caiden begin to cry as I repeatedly kicked at the door trying to get my phone. I don't care if I break it because I warned this bitch to give my shit back. I didn't wanna do this in front of my baby but Courtney started all this.

"Open this fucking door!!" I growled before I shoulder-checked it.

"Stop before you break my door down!" She shouted.

"Give me my fucking phone bitch!"

The door was about to come down and just as I balled my fist to bang on it some more, Courtney opened it with a look of pure disgust, that I was giving her right back.

"I hate you, get the fuck out!" She tossed the phone at my face hitting me in my chin.

Off reflex, I took both my hands and jacked her little ass up tossing her on the hallway floor. "Bitch is you koo? Don't ever play with me like that!"

"Get off me! You're fucking that young girl again?!"

My jaw clenched realizing she saw me and Lee's messages. I mean I'm sure she saw everything but that's all I was really tryna hide, because of their history when it came to me.

"I'm not fucking nobody!" I shouted in her face making her punch me in mine.

We were in the middle of her hallway going at it. She got me good in my eye so I wrapped my hands around her neck, I was sick of this bitch. Her face turned a deep red hue as I tightened my grip and for a second I forgot where I was and who I was doing this to. I snapped out of it once she reached her hand up trying to claw my eye out. That shit hurt like a bitch so I let her go and stood up.

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