Her Young Ass

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"Shut the fuck up." Lester said bucking at D making her barely flinch but I peeped it.

"Don't jump at me nigga, I'll get Landin on you pussy." She said stepping inside with me and Aniyah following behind her.

We walked into the spacious living room where everybody was scattered on the L-shaped leather couch. Landin was on one end playing Call of Duty on the 75-inch flat-screen TV so D sat in his lap. Their friend Zay was in the middle rolling a wood and their sister Riley was next to him already smoking a blunt and sitting on her phone.

"Girll, like we give a fuck about Landin's bitch ass." Zay said dragging the word, making me and Aniyah laugh.

"Yea Ight, nigga." Landin replied mostly paying attention to the game and not the conversation.

Lester sat on the opposite side of the couch leaving only a spot between him and Riley and between Zay and Landin. Aniyah sat next to Zay quickly. She wasn't fooling anybody, she always joked on me about my feelings for Lester meanwhile I always peeped how she acted around Zay. She was always staring at him and no matter what came out of his mouth, she was cackling.

Zay was cute though, he was tall and skinny with dark skin and full lips. He had to be mixed with something because he had full, black, curly hair that went down his back. He always kept it done up nicely in some way too with twists or something. She was crazy about that nigga, but let her tell it I'm the crazy one for even thinking that. But after her sneaky ass did that I had no choice but to sit down between Lester and Riley. Who am I kidding, I was happy as hell I got to sit next to him, but I had to play it off.

"Niggas is only hard to they bitch." Lester laughed making me chuckle.

"I'll thrash you nigga, you know wassup with me." Landin said finally getting off the game.

"What you wanna do?" Lester asked, hopping up and pulling his sagging pants up around his waist.

"You know I don't fight lil bro." Landin said reaching into his pants and sitting his gun on the table.

This is why I hated coming over here sometimes because these niggas always got crazy for no reason. Even though they were joking, the boys always had to show how "hard" they were, mostly the twins. You could never "catch them lacking" but Landin was the worst one.

One thing you had to know about the twins was they were crazy but in very different ways. Lester was the black-out-and-kill-you type of crazy. But Landin was the type to kill you fully conscious with a smile on his face. Any chance he got to pull out his gun he did, and he was never scared to use it. At least that's what I heard from D. I knew he wouldn't shoot Lester though but they played so much that one day one of them would accidentally shoot somebody, or each other.

"He thinks he the only nigga with a pole? Everybody on the block got a blick nigga." Zay said lighting the wood and filling the room with smoke as he hit it a couple of times.

He then passed it to Aniyah who barely inhaled and tried to pass it to D.

"Uhn uhn, I know yo lil ass did not just baby puff my shit." Zay said to her.

"I gotta drive. I'm not tryna be too high stupid." She said making all the boys and Riley laugh so hard they were crying.

I didn't know what was so funny.

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