Back And Forth

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Lee's POV

"She's not doing too good, right this way." I followed a pale-looking Jackie into the bedroom where Rita lay.

Rita's home was huge. It was three stories and her bedroom used to be on the third floor, but now Jackie was leading me into a bedroom on the first floor. I haven't been to work in almost a month and in that time Rita took a downward plunge. Since her fall, she's been less independent and her nieces discovered she has stage four lung cancer. In just six weeks she went from an independent smart ass to now being bedridden and having to be cared for around the clock.

In the bedroom, I saw a thicker woman who looked just like Rita sitting in a rocking chair next to the bed where Rita lay. My chest tightened seeing her like that. She was pale, her face sunken in, and her mouth looked like it could fall off by how dry it was. Her lips were cracking and she looked to be in pain as she stared up at the ceiling.

"The doctors say she has about three more months, but look at her. She won't get that." Jackie whispered to me placing her hand on my shoulder.

I was devastated. Jackie always looked beautiful and she walked with her head held high. She was always in high spirits but not now. Her once radiant blonde locks were now dull and kinda dry and her icy blue eyes were now gray looking. Her whole face showed stress and it hurt me to see. She was even dressed depressing in a pair of very loose gray jogging pants and a tight black yoga jacket.

"Hi, I'm Kristy. I'm her other niece." The thick woman walked up to me. She shook my hand with a firm grip and a smile.

She was a pretty lady, she looked more like Rita than Jackie did. She had short auburn hair that was cut into a bob that hung right past her ears. She wore big glasses but her green eyes shined just like her aunts did. She had pale skin that was filled with freckles around her nose. She had wide hips and thick legs but she was a beautiful woman nonetheless. She looked just like a young Rita.

"Hi, I'm T." I told her since they could never get my name right or remember it.

"I know, she talks about you all the time. She needs around-the-clock care so you will have your regular shift but now you won't be able to leave until one of us comes to relieve you. We would like for one of us to be here when she goes."

I nodded taking in all her instructions. "Yes, she panicked when we got the diagnosis and said she doesn't want to die alone, that's her only request." Jackie clarified.

"So what's her plan of care now?"

"She is not to get out of this bed." Kristy spoke firmly. "She will try, but just tell her no and it's for her own safety. She doesn't have the strength right now to stand but she doesn't understand that. Also, meals, changing, and showers will be done here as well."

"There's a remote to lift her bed so she can eat, but you will need to help her. And she will get a bed bath twice a week. If she fights any of this give us a call. She's been good so far today, but I think that's because she's too weak to fight right now. Any questions?" She sighed with a smile placing her hands on her hips as she finished.

I shook my head. "No, ma'am." I grinned.

"Just call me Kristy. I'm gonna give you my number, call me every so often with updates on her condition, please."

"Will do." She gave me her number and I locked it in with a ping of hurt in my heart for these women.

Both ladies spoke to their aunt and kissed her on the cheek before leaving quietly. I was lost as fuck, I didn't know how to care for a dying woman. Rita wasn't the nicest, but I never would want to see her in pain like this. And it happened so quickly! My break from work wasn't that long, and in that short period, she did a complete 180.

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