Cant Believe It

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Lee's POV

I woke up with a heavy heart. Hanging out with everybody yesterday almost made me forget about my drama with Brandon. I still can't believe he would talk to me and dismiss me like. There was no reason for our conversation to go left like it did yesterday. I decided to call him so I grabbed my phone going to his contact.

I called twice but was sent to voicemail both times so I knew he didn't wanna talk to me. Maybe I did do too much yesterday with slapping him but he basically treated me like some groupie hoe who was getting on his nerves and I wasn't going for that. I FaceTimed the group chat to see what my girls thought about the situation.

"Wassup, girly?" D spoke joining first.

"Yea, what you calling us so early in the morning for?" Aniyah's raspy voice came through my phone.

"Girl, it's almost noon." I joked.

D started laughing while Aniyah just rolled her eyes and fell back into her blush-colored pillow.

"So what? It's Saturday so you know my day don't start until two o'clock."

"Oh hush, you're awake so your day is already started."

"Yea because you woke me up with this call, bitch!"

We all just started cackling into the camera.

"Well, you're welcome, and good morning." I smiled.

"Why you say you're welcome?" D asked.

"Because y'all have been blessed with my call this morning and I just started Aniyah's day." I said with a big grin on my face.

"Bitch please, this isn't a good thing. You ruined my day if anything." She rolled her eyes.

I put my hand over my heart and dropped my jaw to express how shocked that made me.

"Well excuse me, thought my best friend would be happy to hear from me, but I guess I was wrong."

"You was but what you want because you don't be up this early either."

"I know but I called to make sure I wasn't tripping on Brandon yesterday."

"What happened with Brandon yesterday?" D frowned looking confused.

"My bad girl, I completely forgot to tell you. This nigga been dodging me and when I finally talk to him to try to make plans for prom he tells me he doesn't wanna go because I'm doing too much. Then he tells me he wants space."

"Space for what?" D adjusted the bonnet on her head.

"Exactly!" Aniyah shouted. "These muthafuckers been glued to the hip since last summer now he wants space? It's some weird shit going on for sure."

"You think so?" I wondered.

"Girl yes, any time a nigga starts acting funny out the blue with no explanation it's definitely for a reason." D confirmed.

"I don't know maybe I should've heard him out, he probably had an explanation." I began to feel worse about how our conversation went yesterday.

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