Open Wounds

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Lee's POV

I felt my chest tighten every time I tried to breathe in between my sobs. I was wailing in the backseat of my car after finding out my boyfriend had been lying to me and betrayed me in the worst way possible. I felt like I was dying, my whole body ached and I felt like I could throw up any minute.

Aniyah and D tried to console me the whole ride back to Aniyah's apartment, but it was no use. I was distraught and couldn't hear half of what they were saying over the sound of my hysterics. They basically had to carry me out of the car and into the apartment. A small part of me felt bad that I had D doing shit like this while she was pregnant, but I couldn't help myself. I was in agony and I just wanted to die in that moment.

"I can't believe he did this to me!" I shook as I sobbed while in the fetal position on Aniyah's couch.

Aniyah was curled on top of me, crying softly as well while she rubbed my back. D sat in the loveseat next to us with a look of sorrow as she had dropped some tears of her own. Without context, if you looked in the room you would think somebody died. In a way something did die that day, a part of me.

"I'm so sorry Leelee. He's a fucking jerk for that." Aniyah spoke with disdain in her voice.

"He's more than a jerk, he's a filthy ass nigga. Like why her? Him cheating is bad enough but this is low, even for him." D spat.

I wanted to respond but I couldn't. I just continued to weep, causing a wet spot of my tears to form on the couch. I knew Aniyah would be pissed about that.

I was in utter disbelief. I thought me and Lester were doing fine. I knew we had our rough patch when I lost the baby but I thought we got over that. We were finally happy or at least I thought, but the whole time he was lying to me and starting a family with the bitch who caused me to lose our child in the first place! He had to have only done that to hurt me, and it was working. I felt like I just got jumped but six sumo wrestlers, it hurt to even breathe. I was starting to wish I would've just listened to D when she told me to leave him alone.

I ended up crying myself to sleep and I guess the girls knocked out with me too. Me and Aniyah were woken up to D fussing on the phone with Landin. I woke up fully realizing we had slept the whole night and it was the next day. It was gloomy outside with dark cloudy skies and strong winds. It's like the weather reflected my feelings right now.

"Ok Landin I'm coming damn, we fell asleep."

I could hear Landin yelling on the other end of the line but I couldn't make out exactly what he was saying, even though I didn't care. It was fuck him just as much as it was fuck Lester at this point.

"I'm on my way! Nobody is mad at you just shut up!" She yelled before hanging up the phone.

"You should be mad at him." I spat.


"How much you wanna bet he knew?" I look up at her.

"He probably did, but you can't be mad at Landin for what Twin did to you. If he did know he most likely was just staying out of it. Don't start acting bitter."

"How is that acting bitter, he calls me his sister but was letting me walk around like some fucking dummy while he knew his brother was cheating on me and got somebody else pregnant! That's just wrong."

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