Happy Birthday

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Lee's POV

I woke up to my Nana and Papa busting in my door yelling loud as hell. They got back in town a couple of days ago and good news, sugar would be just fine.

"Happy birthday!!!" They shouted leaning over me in the bed. I was happy but annoyed because I knew for a fact it was early as shit.

"Get up little girl, you got a big day ahead!" My papa's loud voice erupted through the room as he opened my purple and silver curtains. If they hadn't woke me up before that bright ass light definitely did it.

"Thank y'all" I groaned sitting up and wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"Eww you sound like your breath stinks," my nana said making a nasty face at me before laughing obnoxiously.

"Haha, what time is it?" I said reaching for my phone. I looked and it was 8:12. What the actual fuck. My brain won't even function before 10 am.

"Eight o'clock girl get up, we know you wanna go with your friends later so we have to get you in the morning. Get dressed we're going to breakfast and we have a surprise for you." My papa said smirking at me before walking out the door.

"Yea, and I know you're gonna love this one too." My nana said winking.

They had me at breakfast, so I got up and looked for something to wear. I went simple since it was just breakfast, pulling out a pair of light wash flare jeans and a white rib-knit shirt, and my pink juicy couture slides. Aniyah had installed a 24-inch, black middle part buss down on me so my hair was laid to the gods. It was straightened right now but she was supposed to be styling it tonight. My toes were white and my nails were a blush pink. And my lashes wore a fresh set. If I could have sex with myself right now I would. I hopped into the shower making sure my cap was secure. Aniyah had told me the glue she used was waterproof and very resistant, but you could never be too sure.

As I showered I got excited thinking about tonight. I had no idea what was happening but I trusted Aniyah would make sure I had a good time. After the awkwardness at the mall me, her and D had a long sit down about what's been going on. Aniyah let me know she just didn't trust Lester and from what she's seen he's nothing but a disrespectful whore who doesn't take me seriously. And D thinks he's gonna have sex with me and never talk to me again. I let them know I respect what they have to say but from what I've seen when we're alone, Lester hasn't done anything but be honest with me.

Yes, he's entertaining other people, but he never said he wasn't. And he let it be clear to me that if he only wanted to have sex he would have done that already and we wouldn't even be communicating, as he's done that to girls before. He said he wouldn't "put up with my shit" if he didn't want to, whatever that meant.

But all that matters is I'm doing what I want and I just wanna have fun with Lester. If something more came out of it that would be amazing, but right now I'm just going with the flow. And if everything goes wrong and I fall on my face, I'll be the one to pick myself back up. I've done it before and I'll be able to do it again.

I got out getting ready and within 30 minutes I was grabbing my pink tote bag, jogging down the stairs to let my grandparents know I was ready to leave.

"Damn little girl, took you almost two days you finally ready?" My papa said getting loud with me, jokingly.

"Yess, c'mon," I said laughing at him.

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