Happy New Year

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Lee's POV

I sat in my room staring at the wall blankly just thinking. It's been three months since I lost my baby and every day gets worse for me. Everybody keeps telling me it will be ok, but it will never be ok. Me and my baby had to suffer because of some bullshit. I didn't want to talk to anybody and every time I tried they just annoyed me. I was over everything. It was bad but I didn't have it in me to care anymore. I stopped going to work so they fired me, my nana and papa still try to make me go to school but that's the worst place. I tried to go a couple of times but the rumor mill was running again and now I had got an abortion and came back a few days later. Brandon even came up to me asking if it was true and I just punched him in his mouth, I had no patience for him especially.

My nana and papa didn't listen when I told them I wanted to be homeschooled, said I needed to face my problems and not run away from them. They stopped listening so I did too. I officially said fuck school. I would pretend to go but really I would go to Lester's house and be up under him all day. Nobody knew what I was going through but he came the closest to almost understanding. I know he doesn't feel as strongly as I did about it since he didn't know I was pregnant, but he still tries to comfort me and I appreciate his efforts.

My nana busts into the room. "You sure you don't wanna go to church with us tonight?"

I just shook my head, not in the mood to speak.

"Lee." She sighed. "Maybe you need this, get some of the lord's word in you and you might feel a little better, you never know."

"No Nana, y'all go have fun."

"I don't wanna leave you here alone."

"I'll be fine, just go."

My nana and papa go to church from 6 to midnight every New Year's Eve. I would go with them most years for the early celebrations and leave around 9 to get ready to hang with friends, but this year was different. I wasn't tryna go to church and I wasn't tryna hang with anybody. I just wanted to be left alone.

My grandparents left about an hour later and let me know they would be back and to call them if I needed anything. I just sulked in bed watching Grey's Anatomy until Lester texted me asking what I was doing. I let him know I wasn't doing anything, per usual. He checked up on me daily and I noticed his efforts, but sometimes I felt like he was smothering me. But at this moment he was all I wanted. I told him I would be here alone all night and he should come see him, he said he was busy right now but would be here in an hour.

I waited for Lester for almost three hours before he let me know he was outside. I knew it was risky to have him in the house knowing my grandparents hated him, but I didn't really care, I just wanted my baby. I made my way downstairs opening the door to see the man of the hour in a red jacket, white tee, light jeans, and red Jordan 4s. I bit my lip smiling at him and he just hugged me tightly before kissing me.

"I missed you."

"You saw me two days ago." I told him.

"Too long." He said squeezing me tighter. I did the same burying my face in his chest, inhaling his scent.

We went up to my room and he took his pants and shirt off leaving him in just a pair of basketball shorts. We were spooning and watching the show.

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