Come With Me

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Lee's POV

As I sat behind the cash register in Walgreens I began to drift off into space watching the rain hit the windows. It was eight pm on a Friday night and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep in my warm bed. Since that night of D's party, everything's been different.

I still felt so much shame about what happened that I didn't wanna talk to anyone. I had distanced myself from Aniyah a bit and barely talked to D much at all. It was nothing against either of them though, I just get in my moods where I sulk.

D's party was almost a month ago and I haven't been outside since then. I strictly came to work and went straight home, and on my off days, I would sit in the house watching The Office. I didn't have much of a problem with it though, I've gotten used to just sitting in my room alone and I find peace in doing so.

"Girl, tell me why the fuck Jabari just told me he's not ready to come out to his family?"
My coworker Dandre said to me.

Dre started working here a few months after I did and we clicked instantly. He was openly gay but he wasn't flamboyant about his sexuality. You wouldn't know he was gay until you actually had a conversation with him.

"I thought he was already out?" I questioned with a confused look on my face.

Jabari was Dre's boyfriend and he's come in just to keep Dre company multiple times. He's not super feminine or anything, but he wears lots of gloss and he keeps a set of French tip nails on, so I always assumed he was open.

"No bitch, he keeps talking about how his daddy is a deacon and he doesn't wanna embarrass the family. But like, if he wants to be with me then he needs to go ahead and do that. I already came out to my people's, I'm not tryna worry about all that again." He ranted.

"I've seen y'all posted up together though, and his nails stay done so how does his dad not know by now?"

"Huhh, them fake ass press-ons he wears." He rolled his eyes making me laugh.

"No way, where he get his from? Cause I always thought it was a full set."

"Girl no, he pops them muthafuckers right off before he goes back home. I swear that shit is annoying, and I do love him but I can't be anybody's secret." He shook his head looking disappointed.

I completely agree, anybody who is ashamed to show you off doesn't really want you and therefore should have no access to you. Me and Dre were just chopping it up since it was close to closing time by now until my bum ass manager came up with something to say, as usual.

"You got time to lean you got time to clean." Fern spoke handing Dre a broom.

"Go be a man and sweep the breakroom." Fern frowned at Dre

Fern was always picking on Dre because he was gay. But if you ask me I think Fern has a crush on him and is just acting out. Either way, Fern ran off my only friend here so now I'm back to sitting here bored staring at the window.

Lester's POV

"Nooo, Lester stop!" Courtney whined as I continued to attack her neck with kisses.

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