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Lee's POV

"Chloe, noo!" I shouted leaning down and seeing she had my glasses in her mouth.

"Ughh." I grunted as I examined the glasses and seen she had popped a lens out and there were chew marks all on them.

"What happened?" Lester said coming into the room.

"She chewed my glasses up, now I gotta go get another pair." I rolled my eyes, tossing the glasses in the small trash can we had in the room.

"I should pop yo ass." Lester spoke picking her up. She just leaned into his touch as he began to pet her. "It's Ight though baby, I'll get you another pair."

"Still though, I'm sick of her bad ass. I don't know where this behavior came from." I sighed rubbing my temples. Recently Chloe has been acting up, she chews everything in her path and she has peed on the carpet twice. She was perfect when we first got her so her acting bad all of a sudden is weird.

"It don't even matter, all I know is if she piss on my carpet again she's outta here. Where you going?" Lester questioned seeing my outfit.

I wore a tight fitting black shirt that cut off right above my navel and a pair of tan pants. Since getting on birth control all my pants are more snug on me and Lester can never decide if he likes that or not.

"I'm going over my nana and papa's house for a little bit then I'm coming back here, why?"

He looked me up and down with an unexplainable expression on his face. "Just asking, you coming right back here when you done right?"

"Yes pookie I'm coming right back." I rolled my eyes before grabbing my Louis Vuitton never-full bag. "I'll see you later, love you." I got on my tip toes and pecked his lips quickly before exiting the house.

I kept in touch with my nana and papa via text and phone calls but I haven't been to the house since I moved in with Lester. I knew they would have lots of questions but I was prepared to answer them. Me and my man were happy and I didn't have anything to hide from them, plus I was just excited for all of us to be hanging out again.

I pulled into the driveway seeing both their cars were here and I said a quick prayer, hoping that everything went smoothly on my visit today.

I rang the doorbell and checked myself out in the glass screen door as I waited for one of them to open it. I had my natural hair out in loose curls flowing down to my shoulders and my outfit was cute so I was feeling good right now.

My nana finally opened the door giving me a slight smirk. "Well look who decided to finally show up." She smiled as I fully stepped in the house.

"Hi, nana." I smiled hugging her.

We walked back towards the den where my papa was sitting watching a football game. He saw me and his eyes got big and he dropped his jaw a little bit. "Woah! Where you come from little girl?" He stood up and gave me a tight hug.

"Nowhere, what y'all doing?" I asked sitting on the brown leather couch and crossing my right leg over the other.

"I'm in there cooking, you want some chicken wings?" My nana asked.

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