Sunday Dinner

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Lee's POV

"I ain't know you wore glasses," Lester said as I answered his FaceTime call with my face in the camera.

"Yea, only when I'm in the house though, I wear my contacts out." I clarified.

"Mmm, you look like a sexy-ass librarian." He said laughing and sitting back on the brown couch behind him.

"Where you at?" I asked noticing the couch was different from his black one.

"My mama's house, she want us all over here for dinner." He said as I heard a few muffled voices in the background.

"Awnn how cute. I can't wait to have a big ass family." I said smirking thinking about it.

Me being an only child and now only having my nana and papa, it got lonely sometimes. I dreamed of having lots of kids and a huge family one day though to make up for it.

"Shit bull for real. These muthafuckers annoying." He said looking up from the camera.

Landin then came into the frame. "Wassup Leelee," he said.

"Hey, Landin." I said waving at him with a smile.

"Don't you see I'm talking? Go on somewhere." Lester said pushing him.

"Shut up bitch, mama said come on, the food is done." He said pushing Lester back.

"I gotta go, baby, I'll talk to you later though." He said getting up off the couch.

"Ok talk to you later." I said watching as he hung up.

Lester asked me to be his girlfriend a week ago and I was ecstatic. I knew he was feeling me despite what the girls said. Especially since I put it on him. I told D that same night and she just said that if that's what I wanted then she's happy for me. I told Aniyah the next day and she said it was weird he asked me so soon, but she was going to support me regardless.

"Taleeyah!" My papa yelled from downstairs.

I made my way down there seeing him and my nana setting the table. They made sure we ate together on Sunday night twice a month. I looked on the table seeing my nana made fried chicken, macaroni, green beans, and cornbread. It looked great and smelled even better. My mouth watered at the sight.

"Come say grace so we can eat." My papa said reaching out for my hand.

We all stood around the table with our heads bowed and hands intertwined, saying our grace. When we were done we all sat down and I immediately dug in.

"Slow down it's not going anywhere." My papa said to me.

"Sorry." I said with a mouth full of macaroni. "I haven't ate all day."

"Michael hush, let that girl eat." My nana said to him before turning towards me. "So Lee how's your summer been so far?" She asked me taking a bite of her green beans.

"It's been good, I just been hanging with Aniyah and D mostly." I said shrugging.

"Ok good, you been looking real happy lately, anything else going on?" She asked in a weird tone.

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