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Lester's POV

"Hey, daddy's pretty baby." I spoke to Caiden as I took her from her car seat.

I took her out the car and slammed the door before locking it and walking into my mama's crib. I was hit with a gust of heat as we entered the house that instantly started to burn me up.

"Ma!" I shouted trying to find out where she was in the house.

"Boy stop all that yelling!" She emerged from the back of the house. "What?"

"Why you got it so hot in here? It's not that cold out no more." I put Caiden down and let her wobble around on the floor, she's getting more steady when she walks.

"It's still pretty chilly, and you know I'm always cold anyway. What you doing over here?" She hugged me.

"Why you always acting like I can't come over here?" I laughed sitting down on the couch.

She sat next to me. "Because you can't." She joked.

"Ight then I can't pay yo rent no more." I shrugged.

"I never needed you to pay my rent so." She shrugged.

I just shook my head at her goofiness. Caiden walked up to her on the couch and dramatically threw herself in between her legs smiling up at her. My mama picked her up and bounced her a little bit.

"Where you been booty? You haven't been to see your granny in almost two weeks!" She cooed to her as Caiden grabbed her face and gave her a sloppy kiss.

"My bad." I apologized for my absence.

"Yea, your bad." She glanced at me before paying attention to my baby again. "You must be into it with Courtney, because why has it been so long?"

I sighed. "We not into it, we just fell back from each other I guess." I shrugged.

I don't talk to Courtney unless it has to do with Caiden. But she definitely been on some weird shit by letting me get her less. It's always some excuse for why I can't see her when I want to. I was pissed at first but she threatened to put me on child support to report me to the police for how I make my money, so I had to go with it. I see my daughter maybe a couple times a week now. I try to compensate by being on the phone with her every day but it's not the same.

"What happened now?" She rolled her eyes as she put Caiden back down.

I watched as she babbled loudly and wobbled around the living room carpet before finding one of her toys and sitting down to play with it.

"Ion even know." I shrugged. "She just slowly took her away from me. You ain't seen Caiden in two weeks because I ain't seen her like that either. Now all of a sudden Courtney too busy and they always about to go somewhere or something."

"What?" She exclaimed looking angry. "No, we're not doing that." She held her hand up and shook her head.

"Y'all gotta figure that out, she can't take you from your child just because of some personal feelings."

"But that's what I'm saying, Ion even know what personal feelings she got towards me! We ont' even talk for her to feel some type of way 'bout me bruh! All this shit came outta nowhere." I stressed.

She looked at me for a second before speaking up. "You seeing Leeyah again?"

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. "Sum like that."

"Mhmm." She nodded her head. "That's why."

"What you mean?"

"Courtney has to be mad about that, does she know about you two?"

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