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Lee's POV

"You really not gone tell me anything?" I asked Aniyah as we sat in her backyard sipping the slushies that we got from the gas station.

Being the middle of July it was hot as fuck. I hated having a summer birthday. We were sweating our edges out so me and Aniyah got slushies to cool down but she had the amazing idea to raid her dad's liquor stash from the basement. We put a dash of patron in our slushies and after drinking half of mine, I was feeling nice.

"No, I'm not. Just know I got you covered boo, you're gonna have the best birthday ever thanks to your girl." Aniyah said looking smug while sipping from her straw.

She had been planning my birthday for me since the beginning of July since I was too indecisive about what to do. She said everything was set up and I just had to bring a cute birthday fit and other clothes. But my birthday was a week away and the anxiety was killing me not knowing what was going on.

"Why can't I know anything?" I pouted. I hated being left in the dark about things.

"Cause it doesn't matter, you'll have fun and remember all you need is your outfit and a pack of clothes for a few days. Bikinis included."

"But what kind of outfit? Like a dress? Casual? Giving runway? I can't know how to dress if I don't know what we're doing." I expressed.

"Stop stressing yourself out. You'll look good regardless and I don't care what you put on, just put that shit on." She said snapping her fingers.

"Ughh you're annoying as fuck."

"Love you too bestie booo." She dragged out kissing my cheek. She was a lil tipsy and got the wetness from her mouth all on the side of my face.

"Don't do that nasty shit again." I said wiping my face. Aniyah was just laughing at me.

"Ight I quit, but I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant." All I did was make the biggest shocked face I could muster up. Aniyah would never be this irresponsible to get pregnant. She told me she's never had raw sex. I wish I could say the same thing.

"Look at your face! I was playing girl you know I'm team fuck them kids till I die." She said sitting back in her beach chair.

"Mhmm, you better had not been pregnant, you know your daddy would kill you."

"Girl who you telling, he'll definitely disown me." Aniyah's dad adored her but he was also hard on her. She was his only daughter and he cherished her but he could be overbearing at times.

"You know he will, but for real what you had to tell me?"

"Well Aj asked me to be his girlfriend"

"Yay!! That's great, when was this?"

"Last night. It was so cute he sent me a bouquet of roses and the card said 'be my girlfriend? Circle yes or no' and of course, a bitch said yes. I called him just screaming yes into the phone." She said grinning thinking about it.

"Awnn that's good I'm so happy for you love." I said hugging her.

I was glad Aniyah had someone who seemed to make her happy because she'd been with some weirdos who didn't deserve her at all. And Aj seemed fine when I met him. He was our age and a wide receiver for our school's football team. He was good too. So good he's already getting offers to multiple schools across the country. It seems like Aniyah made the right choice.

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