First Time

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Lee's POV

School started back up and it couldn't be worse for me. Me and Lester popped out officially by posting pictures we took together on Instagram, and Courtney found out and went crazy. She went on Instagram live one day while I was with D and Aniyah, D joined and we all watched as she went off saying how she was gonna beat us up when she saw us and how Lester was a weirdo for dating a little girl. She also said he was still in her phone so she wasn't tripping about us. That pissed me off so I asked him about it but he assured me she was lying.

"Fuck all you weird ass bitches, I can't wait to catch y'all ima shoot the shit outta all you muthafuckers. And D'arrica bitch you weird as fuck for not telling me my man was fucking your friend, and we supposed to be cool. And miss Leelee bitch, you wanna be grown and fuck grown niggas? Ima show you grown when I catch you bitch, 'cause I know y'all on here watching. Stupid ass bitches I can't wait to kill y'all and that's on my dead brother bitch!" She ranted on waving a gun at the camera.

I was so shocked because I would never think she could talk like that. When I saw Courtney at the mall she looked so innocent with her bright smile and warm nature. I guess that was her until you pissed her off.

Courtney had a lot of followers and she had almost 800 people watching her live video. So of course when school started back the next week, I was the topic of conversation. Everybody was talking about how I took some grown man from his pretty girlfriend when that simply wasn't the case. I was looked at as some young scandalous whore. I was in hell at school.

"I'm so ready to go." I said sighing heavily sitting at the lunch table.

"Me too girl, fuck Mrs Embry though for real." Aniyah said as she sat down with me.

"Who you telling? She try give me detention 'cause I was sleeping like the whole fucking class wasn't!" Our friend Kasey expressed in an annoyed tone.

Me and Aniyah met Kasey our sophomore year of high school when she moved down here from Florida. She was half black and half Asian with small slanted eyes, a fat nose, and big lips. She had caramel skin and her hair was cut into a small fro on top of her head.

"I swear the bitch is racist." Aniyah said rolling her eyes. "Oh Leelee I can take you to work but I won't be able to pick you up. Me and Aj are going out tonight." She said turning towards me making me groan in response.

"It's fine, I'll just get an Uber I guess." My brand new baby Carly, that's what I named the car. She was doing fine but she was in the shop now because some dumbass decided to brake too late while I was at a red light.

"Just ask Lester." She shrugged.

"Oouuu is this the Lester I've been hearing about around school?" Kasey asked with her eyebrow raised.

"Yes." I said rolling my eyes. "Let these muthafuckers tell it, he's 29 and I'm pregnant with his baby, and that's why he left his girlfriend for me." I was so annoyed with these dumb ass rumors going around when none of it was true.

"So what's the real tea?"

"I've known him for a while now but we started dating almost a month ago. He's not no damn 29 and that bitch was not his girlfriend. Just one of his little hoes but when he got with me he shut all that shit down." I said clarifying everything for her.

"Oh ok good." She said nodding. "I knew that shit wasn't true but I didn't know the real story either."

I texted Lester asking if he could pick me up from work and he said he could and to just let him know when I'm almost off. Thank god, I low-key didn't wanna pay for that Uber. After lunch, my last two periods went by smoothly. Then the final bell rang and me and Aniyah made our way out to her car in the student parking lot.

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