Her Story

77 3 29

1 year later

Lee' POV

I woke up feeling exhausted. I wasn't mentally ready to start the day and my body felt so worn down for some reason. I slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom before coming back out and seeing Aniyah wasn't home. That was to be expected though, her ass was always gone.

Aniyah had graduated from hair school and immediately went to work in a shop downtown. She worked all hours of the day and night but she was making money, girls couldn't stay out of her chair. I checked my phone and saw it was 9 am on a Friday so she was definitely out doing hair.

I got hungry so I decided to make some French toast and eggs. As I was frying up my eggs I got a FaceTime call from Beezy. I smiled grabbing the phone and accepting the call.

I turned the burner off before showing my face to the camera. "Hey." I smiled.

He was outside somewhere walking. "Good morning ma, how you feeling?" He smiled showing off his pearly whites before getting into his car.

Beezy was this dude I guess you could say I had been talking to for a few months now. He was tall, dark, and handsome, just how I liked them. He stood about 6'3 with a head full of deep waves since he kept his hair in a low cut. He was tall with a nice build. He wasn't too buff or anything but his muscles were visible and you could tell he works out often. He was sexy as hell too, with his big lips, a wide nose, and brown skin. He had a strong jawline and cute dimples when he smiled and his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown.

I met Beezy one day when I was walking Chloe in the community. Hill Spring was a gated community of five apartment buildings; A through E. They were luxury apartments with a dog park, regular parks, a pool, a tennis court, basketball court, and much more. It was mostly only rich white people that lived over here so I was shocked when I saw his fine ass jogging with only gym shorts on.

I tried to ignore him but after he saw me he jogged up and tried to run game. He was fine, but I was over niggas at that point. He gave me a whole spiel about how I'm gorgeous and he just wanted to "get to know me" and all that shit. At the end of the day, I was just a girl, and I couldn't ignore how he turned me on. He was walking with me with sweat dripping down his neck to his back and his chest was glistening from the moisture as well. His abs were visibly flexing as he was breathing hard and his tattoos were on full display. He kept giving me flirty eyes and said he wanted to take me out so I obliged and gave him my number.

That was around three months ago and I was glad I didn't listen to my first mind and ignore him. Beezy lived in building B while Aniyah and I lived in C so we got close real fast. He was either always over here or I was in his place. I loved being around him.

"I couldn't tell you, I just woke up. I'll let you know after I eat." I laughed leaning on the island.

"What you eating?" He grabbed a pre-roll out of his middle console and sparked it.

"French toast and eggs."

"And you ain't make me none? I thought we was better than that little Lee." He always joked about my height and age and called me "his little Lee"

"Boy please, you're not even home." I waved him off.

"I can be there in no time, you probably don't wanna see me anyway though." He smirked making me smile.

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