Do For Love

113 5 37

April 12th, 2022

Lee's POV

I stirred awake to the feeling of small kisses being placed along my shoulder and collarbone. Once I felt the beam of the sun's rays, my subconscious was finally ready to fully emerge from my slumber.

I rolled over on my back and stretched out, finally opening my eyes to be met with the beautiful pools of honey that stared back at me. I got lost in Lester's eyes as I saw how the sun shined on them perfectly. How did I get so lucky to be waking up to this sexy sight?

"Happy anniversary." He smiled before leaning down and kissing my lips softly.

I pulled away a few seconds later with a small smirk. "Happy anniversary, but I need to brush my teeth."

He laughed and finally moved his leg from over mine so I could get up.

I stood from the floor and instantly felt a breeze over my naked body. Shivering, I quickly ran to the bathroom. Once I got in the bathroom I cringed at my reflection in the mirror. I looked exhausted, hair all over my head and makeup smeared. And of course, I had two big ass hickeys on my neck. Though I looked terrible, I still smiled getting flashbacks of last night's events.

Since it was our anniversary, Lester decided we should come back to Dream Lake. I had been talking about how I wanted to come back here and he surprised me with the trip. I was excited to be back because this one-on-one experience would be so different from when we came with all our friends for my birthday.

This past year has been perfect for me and Lester, despite our small bumps in the road. He finally had a sit down with my grandparents, since I knew we were getting pretty serious. I mean Lester kept talking about marriage and babies, so he had to be able to have an adult conversation with them. It didn't go amazing, but it didn't go horribly either. They all agreed to respect each other due to their love for me. My nana and papa said that as long as I'm happy and safe with him, then they will respect our relationship. Lester fought hard to keep his composure, and he managed to get through the whole conversation without blowing up on anybody.

And Courtney eventually let up on not allowing me to see Caiden. Though she wasn't stoked about it, after a long talk with Lester she finally accepted that I wasn't going anywhere and we would have to coexist at some point. Everything seemed to be looking up for us and now we were reaching a year together, the first of many.

I used the bathroom and washed my hands before washing my face and brushing my teeth, feeling a cramp in my thigh. I sighed knowing that even though I was in slight pain, that wouldn't stop me from getting my guts rearranged later on.

Like last time, me and Lester had to get nasty all over this house. And I mean all over. And we've only been here a day so far. We'd passed out last night on the floor after the fourth round, we were showing out.

I finally came downstairs after throwing on a t-shirt. I saw him standing over the stove, ass naked, bopping his head to When I See You by Fantasia.

I snuck up behind him biting my lip and smacking his plumb backside. He quickly turned around grabbing my wrist. "Don't get fucked up." He glared at me.

I laughed as he roughly let my wrist go. "You making me breakfast?" I blushed wrapping my arms around him.

"Trying to." He laughed. "But you know I'm no cook."

"Let me help you." I removed myself from him eyeing the bacon frying in the pan. "What you making?"

"Pancakes, bacon, and eggs."

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