Just Friends(?)

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Lee's POV

"See, you got it." I encouraged Rita as she slowly sat down in her seat.

I made sure she was settled before going over to the counter pouring her a cup of coffee and adding two creams and one sugar just like she likes it. As I walked over to the coffee mug I heard Rita complaining like always.

"Does it really take ten minutes to make a cup of coffee, my lord!" She groaned glaring up at me.

I just rolled my eyes as I placed the coffee and pieces of toast down in front of her. Rita needed more help now since she had a fall in her kitchen the day after Christmas. Originally I was supposed to be quitting, but Jackie had been begging me to come back for days. She let me know that before, I was only there to keep her aunt busy but now she actually needs care and to be looked after, seeing she is now a fall risk.

As Rita ate I went upstairs to use the bathroom. I caught a slight attitude because I felt my nipples get sore, letting me know my time of the month was coming soon. As I was washing my hands my phone went off, pulling it from my pocket I saw a text from Lester.

He sent me a screenshot of a post on Instagram saying "Having seductive eyes gets you into a lot of shit you have no business being in." I laughed at the message and sent a quick text saying that's him before leaving the bathroom.

When I got back downstairs I saw Rita limping back to her living room, with no walker.

"Rita, where's your walker?"

"I don't need it, damn thing just slows me down." She spat.

"Yes you do, Jackie says you need to use that walker if you move more than a few steps or you'll risk falling again."

"Fuck Jackie! She has no idea what she's talking about, and you stop acting like you know what you're talking about." She pointed at me. "Niggers know nothing, so stop putting on a show!"

"Rita you're gonna fall."

"Then I'll fall." She shrugged.

I looked dumbfounded. I had no clue why she was being so nasty this morning, but Jackie warned me she has been more difficult since her fall. This was only my first day back since Jackie gave me a much-needed break and said I could always have one when her aunt becomes too much, just as long as I give her notice so she can work out her schedule.

Rita was about to sit on her couch but she missed it just a little and before I could get to her she was on the ground. She didn't have a bad fall, but a fall is a fall regardless. And for old people even a small tumble can be dangerous.

"Are you ok?" I rushed to help her up. I placed my arms firmly under her arms and used my legs to lift.

Of course, Rita was complaining and wondering who gave my "nigger ass" permission to touch her. But let me leave her bitter ass on that floor and she would have pitched a fit about it. Jackie left me a binder full of Rita's new plan of care with her walker and falling was anticipated since she's a hard-headed whore who won't use her walker.

I spent my entire first hour here studying the binder and learning how to care for Rita more carefully. If she falls I have to make sure she didn't hit her head, and if she did, call the police immediately. But if not, asses how bad of a fall it was and chart it so Jackie can read the notes later. I lift with my legs and hold under her arms to help her stand, or in this case, sit, and make sure she isn't hurt anywhere. Judging by her response to me, I assumed Rita was fine.

I went and charted the incident, citing it was only a mild fall and there was no sign of injury as of right now but I will continue to monitor her throughout my shift. Rita was sitting on the couch now, still upset I had to pick her up but that was on her. She was the one who refused to use the damn walker.

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