Set It Off

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Lee's POV

It was September 3rd. The day I got the call that Rita had sadly passed away.

I lay in Lester's arms on the couch, sobbing as he held me. I was getting ready for work, I was ready to see Rita. But just as I was sliding my shoes on my phone rang and I immediately felt the sense that something was wrong. It was Jackie on the other line giving me the news and thanking me for taking such good care of her aunt. I'd been working with Rita for over a year and even though we clashed, we got along a majority of the time. So my immediate reaction was tears.

I wept for what seemed to be an eternity as Lester sat with me. "I'm sorry, baby." He spoke softly kissing my forehead.

"I just can't believe it." I cried trying to wipe my tears. "I knew she was dying but I didn't think it would be today."

Rita told me every day how she was ready to go and see her "baby" who come to find out was the son she had with her husband before he left her. He was her only child, he drowned when he was nine years old in their pool. But as much as she was ready to go, she kept breathing. These past three months she's been barely hanging on, but she managed to make it. She was just as stubborn in her death as she was in her life.

He moved my hand and wiped a tear as it fell. "I know, death ain't easy but I'm here for you. You'll get through this, ma." He slowly rocked me giving me a sense of security.

I felt so right being in his arms right now. His soft tone calmed me inside and it made me believe him when he said I could get through this. I knew I could with him beside me.

"You sure you gone be ok here with Caiden while I'm outta town?" He rubbed my arm looking down at me.

"I'll be fine. Just please be back Sunday night." I sighed.

"Ight, if you need me call for anything."

"Thank you pookie, but I'll be fine." I looked up at him with a small closed lip smile.

He pecked my lips a few times before leaning his head back and tightening his hold on me.

Later on that day, Lester went to get Caiden as I prepared a simple dinner of chicken and rice. As I turned the stove off I heard the sounds of loud giggling and small footsteps.

A smile subconsciously appeared on my face seeing Caiden run to me with her wide grin. "Yeee!" She shouted wrapping her hands around my leg.

"Hey cai cai!" I cheesed as I scooped her up from the floor tickling her once she was secure on my hip.

She giggled and squirmed around warming my heart. She was the nicest baby ever and she was always full of energy. Once I stopped I watched her as she held a small smirk, breathing heavily. Once she caught her breath she wrapped her small arms tightly around my neck giving me a big kiss on the cheek.

"You gone make me put another one in you." Lester snuck up on me from behind, snaking his arm around my waist and kissing my neck softly.

"Watch your mouth." I pointed to him with a smirk. He just shook his head in return.

He went into the bedroom and walked back out holding two duffel bags. "You're leaving already?" I frowned.

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