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Lester's POV

The room was silent. The tension was thick and the air was stuffy as me and Lee sat in my room. Neither one of us dared to say anything, in fear of starting an argument. I didn't wanna fight with Lee. I couldn't help being pissed, it don't feel good knowing your girl was fucking around. But I knew that despite that I still didn't wanna let her go.

I sat with my back against the wall as I was at the foot of the bed on my phone while she sat back against the headboard in nothing but my shirt. She wore a blank expression as she stared off into space looking down at my comforter.

"What we doing, Leelee?"

She looked up, almost startled. I guess she wasn't expecting me to speak just yet. She sighed and started to play with her fingers.

"I don't know. I'm not sure where we go from here because you're so confusing. You tell me to come get my stuff just to start an argument with me and have sex! That's crazy."

I took a second to ponder my response. Truth be told, I did plan on breaking up with Lee. I was mad, and I wanted her gone when I sent that text. But by the time I got home and saw her shit in my bathroom, I just felt like she belonged. I didn't know what to do, my head was telling me to leave the bitch but my heart didn't wanna let her go just yet. I love Lee to death, and I wasn't ready to throw away what we had, not yet.

I was drunk as shit by the time she came over and she looked too good. I had to fuck one last time, but I got pissed again the minute she opened her mouth. I hated how she played victim in every situation. Yea I cheated, but she wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows around that time. And instead of lying about fucking everybody, she could've spoke up about what she did and we could've got over it, but I hate being lied to.

"I ain't know what else to do in that moment."

She scoffed. "You're unbelievable. I've never done anything to you! I've always been faithful to you and now you treat me like some random broad off the street because what? Because I slept with someone else after you cheated on me!" She started getting loud and I shook my head, I didn't wanna do that with her anymore.

"I'm not tryna argue with you, let's be adults and have a conversation." I looked at her and saw her glaring at me for a second before she relaxed again and folded her arms.

"You gotta understand where I'm coming from. All that shit with Courtney is irrelevant so stop bringing that up. This ain't 'bout me it's 'bout you, you know how much I love you bruh? That shit stung when you ain't deny fucking dude. It's never a good feeling hearing about a shorty that's supposed to be yours." I stressed.

"But you cannot be mad because I wasn't with you. I'm sorry that you know him, but I won't apologize for being with him. It's not fair to me, because I didn't do anything wrong."

I quickly got angry but knew I had to chill or I would lose her for good. "Ight, you ain't gotta apologize. But I wanna know what happened."

"What?" She looked confused.

"When y'all start fucking?"

She rolled her eyes with a deep sigh. "No, Lester cmon. I'm not telling you because you're just gonna get mad at me for it. Can't we just both apologize and move on?"

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