Hear Em Out

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Lester's POV

"Ion care! If she gets smart with me ima tell her about herself, I'm not playin' with that old bitch today."I fussed to Courtney.

"See and you wonder why she don't like you. It's that attitude right there!" She spoke back as she tossed Caiden's dirty pamper in a plastic bag. "Toss this out."

I took the bag from her throwing it in the overflowing trash before taking it outside to the dumpster. We were waiting on Courtney's mama to come home from work so we could all have an "adult conversation" about Caiden going to Florida. If you ask me we had nothing to talk about though, if I can't go she's not going, and that's that.

I walked back in to see Caiden standing up and leaning on the couch as Courtney sat next to her on the floor in case she fell.

"Where she at?"

"She's coming, relax." She sighed. "Tell your daddy to shut the fuck up." She said to Caiden making her laugh, a little too hard if you ask me.

"Don't be fillin' her head with that shit. She could never tell her daddy to shut the fuck up, ain't that right princess?" I picked her up shaking her a bit making her giggle and start to drool.

Just then I heard the door open and in walks Cheryl. She looked up at us and rolled her eyes before walking back into her bedroom. She came back out a few minutes later took Caiden from my hands and sat on the couch with Courtney sitting next to her.

"What's this all about?" She looked between me and Courtney.

"Lester wants to come to Florida with us."

She just laughed lightly. "No."

"Why not mama?"

"You think I'm gonna allow this heathen around my dying sister and the rest of our family? Hell no." She looked to me. "No."

"Then she ain't going." I shrugged.

"That's not up to you."

"And how you figure that Cheryl?"

"Look, this is my child's baby and she has the right to take her wherever she pleases! We're not asking you for permission, just giving you a heads up on our plans." She rolled her neck making me roll my eyes in response.

"She's not going unless I go."

"Like I'm gonna let you anywhere near my family." She scoffed. "Nigga please."

"Ion wanna be around you or yo family but if you want Caiden down there I'm coming too."

"No, you're not, and I'm not negotiating anything! We will be coming back on the 26th, you can spend time with her then."

"You high as shit." I laughed. "Who the fuck you think you are to tell me when I'm spending time with my child?" I scowled at her.

"I think I'm the mother of this baby's mother. Meaning I don't need permission from baby daddy for anything I decide to do with her."

"I meant what I said, she ain't going nowhere."

"We're taking her, now drop it!" She stood up off the couch.

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