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Lee's POV

"I just feel like I'm living with a stranger." I cried to Aniyah on the phone. It's been a whole month since I got kicked out and since I've been staying here with Lester, all we do is argue. He can't understand why I'm not happy here. Truth be told I'm happy to be here with him, it's just hard knowing I just lost our baby and got kicked out by the only family I had left.

"Don't cry, Lee. Where is he at now?" She asked in a sad tone.

"I don't know, he's been gone all day and he won't answer his phone." I explained as tears began to cloud my vision. All I do these days is cry.

"Ok just wait for him to get home and let him know how you're feeling. If he tries to argue call me and I'll come get you. You know my mama will let you stay here."

I shook my head. "I don't want to impose in your mama's house nee, thanks though." I said as I wiped my tears.

"Well even if you don't stay you can just spend the night so y'all don't keep getting into it. Just try to talk when he gets home."

"I don't even know when that will be though. I'm supposed to be having lunch with my nana in a couple hours and he's been gone since I woke up and he's not answering. He knows I need a ride there and he said he would but we got into it last night."


"He got mad because I asked him to stop hotboxing his room. I was tryna sleep but I can't because he's suffocating a bitch with all the smoke. Then he's on the game all loud at four in the morning and I knew he was doing that shit on purpose. He told me I was impossible to deal with and he can't make me happy so that's why he has to stay high so I don't make him go crazy." I began to cry again remembering the night.

"Lee I'm so sorry, you shouldn't be there. I don't even know why you're still with him."

"I love him." I shrugged. "I don't like it when he's not here, I know it sounds stupid but I'd rather be here arguing with him than be here all alone."

I heard her sigh on the phone and I knew she was judging me but I couldn't help it. I was slowly getting over everything that happened and when I sat and thought about it, all I wanted was my man. I wanted him to hold me and let me know everything would be ok and he would if we weren't mad at each other right now.

Aniyah calmed me down and we eventually got off the phone when she tried to convince me to go back to school. I couldn't do that right now. I knew I had to go back at some point because we were graduating in just three months, but my anxiety wouldn't let me. I couldn't get up that early and hop on a yellow loud ass bus to deal with all those extra ass kids who didn't have shit to do or shit to talk about. I'd much rather argue with Lester all day.

I ended up falling back asleep until I was woken up by Landin.

"Get up, Twin said you had somewhere to be soon." He stood over me.

I sat up rolling my eyes. "Why couldn't he come tell me that?"

He threw his hands up. "Ion know bruh that's y'all and y'all bullshit, I'm just the messenger don't shoot me."

He walked out of the room leaving me. I guess Lester called himself giving me the silent treatment. I don't care, didn't wanna talk to his lame ass anyway.

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