the beginning

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It was night

Pond walked through the streets of the city towards the bar

He got to the bar ordered a drink and didn't stop drinking even though he knew his only way to get drunk was to drink vampire blood

A girl approached him

He immediately recognized by her smell that she was a vampire

"Who broke your heart?"  the girl asked him

Pond ignored

The girl caressed his arm with her fingers and looked at Pond

Pond turned his head to her

"Do you want me to help you forget?"  The woman licked her lips trying to seduce him

She winked and held his hand up and pulled him with her

She left the bar with him and took him to a dark corner

She pulled him to her and tried to kiss him but Pond moved his head to the side and was close to her neck

The smell of her intoxicating blood called to him

"You won't remember anything of what happened tonight" Pond hypnotized her

The girl held Pond's head and gently pushed it to her neck hoping to feel kisses

"Ahhhh" screamed out of her mouth as Pond bit her neck and sucked the blood

He put a hand over her mouth to silence her

He slowly felt her body relax

"Pond" he heard Joong's voice calling him and felt arms closing in on him and trying to free him from the girl

He released her and she fell to the floor

Pond took a napkin and wiped the remaining blood on his mouth

He was completely drunk

"POND" he heard Joong call him "again?!!"

He vaguely saw Joong talking to him

He tried to step forward but everything went black


After Jumpol's parents died Off had to take over the role

He didn't expect it because vampires are immortal but he always helped his parents with decisions about the tribe

He knew that to lead the tribe he needed a partner, someone to lead with him

"Sir" one of the vampires knocked on the door interrupting Off's thoughts
"Yes" Off turned to him "Did something happen?"


"again?"  Off despaired "What did he do this time?"

"As usual" the vampire bowed his head

Pond took the death of their parents really hard

He went out and sucked people's blood until they passed out

Joong who followed him helped the people and brought them some of his blood so they could heal and won't die

Off didn't like that either because if one of these people died he would turn into a vampire

Although until now he still hadn't killed anyone so that calmed Off but he knew he had to get Pond back and as soon as possible


Hope you liked the first part
This story will have some pretty dark parts😅

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