Does not work

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"Hello?"  Gun answered the call

"Gun why are you at someone else's house? And Fourth with you?"  Tay's voice came from the other side

"What, how do you know I'm at someone else's house?"  Gun asked

"Sorry Gun" Prem heard in the background

"Oh Pram come on" Gun despaired

Tay mumbled something

"what?"  Gun asked

"Gun come home now" Tay said "and bring Fourth with you if he gets into trouble call me" he hung up

Gunn looked at Off

"It's ok you can go" Off nodded

"But what about Pond? If Fourth has to go how will you find him?"

"Come back when you can, we'll look for him in the meantime" Off smiled sadly

Gun hugged him and gave him a little kiss

They left the room and went to call Fourth

When they entered the room they saw Gemini playing with Fourth

"Hey Fourth we have to go" Gun said

"where?"  Fourth asked and stopped playing


"what?why?"  Fourth stood up "Is it because you don't want me to do the spell?!"

"No, pa and dad are back and they told us to come back now"

"I'm not coming back, I'm staying here with Gemini" Fourth sat back down and crossed his arms over his chest

Gun called Tay and Tay answered

"Dad he doesn't want to come" Gun said but couldn't understand why he even called Tay who was muttering something in the background

"Fourth come back now" Tay said

Fourth pouted and got up
"I'll be back as soon as possible to help you with Pond" he told Gemini

Gemini nodded and got up to hug him
They hugged and Gun and Fourth left the room

They ran into Phuwin on the way

"Where are you going?"  He asked Gun and Fourth

"We're going to our home"

"No you don't" Phuwin hypnotized them

"Sorry Phuwin we have to go but I'll be back to help you guys" Fourth said and they continued walking

"Why the hell didn't it work?!"  Phuwin was startled


"He's what?!"  Joong asked as Off finished telling Joong and Dunk that Fourth and Gun had left

Dunk held his hand and calmed him down

"We'll look for him ourselves" Off said

"How?! It will take us too long to find him, we don't have time, you don't know what's going on with him now" Joong raised his voice

"I know" Off yelled back "but what can I do?!"

"I would hypnotize him to stay here and help us" Joong said

"He wanted to stay but they didn't let him"

"You would hypnotize him to stay"

"You know it doesn't work that way"

Joong took a deep breath

"It didn't work" Phuwin popped up around the corner

"what?"  Off asked him

"The hypnosis didn't work"

"What do you mean the hypnosis didn't work?"  Joong turned to him

"I tried to hypnotize him but he wasn't hypnotized"

Off and Joong frowned at him with puzzled looks

"You are welcome to go after them now to check but it didn't work"

"how?"  Joong asked

"I do not know yet"

"I'll go check it out" Off said and followed them

"Well what are we going to do about Pond?"  Joong asked as Off walked out

"I have an idea" Phuwin smiled slyly

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now