Conversations that need to be done

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Off stopped by the Tawan family's house

"Hey Fourth, come with me" Prem asked Foruth

"But I want to go sleep at Gemini's" Fourth said

"Gun?"  Prem tried to ask gun to come with him

Gun scratched his hair and raised his hand that was holding Off's hand

"Boyfriends before brothers?"  Prem asked
Gun and Fourth nodded
Prem rolled his eyes

"And besides" Gun said "you need to talk to Tay and if we're there you'll run away to our rooms"

"I should have taken up Boun's offer to sleep with him" Prem sighed

"wait...what?!"  Gun was shocked

"Shia" Prem put a hand over his mouth and quickly got out of the car

"Hi Prem" Gun yelled after him but he had already entered the house

Prem breathed a sigh of relief

"Are you back?"  Tay asked looking around to see where Gun and Fourth are

Prem turned around in a panic and saw that it was only Tay

"Gun and Fourth went to sleep at Off and Gemini's" Prem said and was about to go to his room

"Prem" Tay stopped him

"what?"  Prem turned around

"About what I told you earlier..." Tay started to say

"I understand you dad but if you want my forgiveness you have to give me back those memories" Prem said

"It's a dangerous magic" Tay said

"Then you didn't have to do it from the beginning"

Tay took a step back

"I will do it with or without your help" Prem said

Tay was silent for a second and thought
"I'll do it" he nodded
"I'd better do it, it'll be safer" he thought

"Good" Prem smiled "Tomorrow morning?"

"It works better at sunset"

Prem nodded and went to his room


Gemini and Fourth went up to Gemini's room

Gemini went to take a shower and when he got out Fourth came in

When Fourth got out of the shower he saw that Gemini was already asleep

He wanted to talk to him about the kiss they had but they didn't have time

After Joong Dunk Pond and Phuwin went, Off and Gun came and stayed with them the whole time

He lay down on the bed next to Gemini

"Hi Gemini" Fourth whispered

Gemini didn't respond

Fourth realized that he must have fallen asleep and tried to go to sleep but couldn't

He twisted from side to side and accidentally hit Gemini with his leg

"Stop moving" Gemini muttered half asleep
He grabbed him, hugged him and pressed them close to him

Fourth was startled at first and his heart raced but then he calmed down and hugged him back

"Goodnight Gem" Fourth kissed his forehead
He closed his eyes and fell asleep

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now