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Pond woke up with a headache

He turned around and saw Phuwin next to him in bed shirtless

When he looked at his own body he saw that he was shirtless too

"What the hell..."  Pond tried to remember what happened last night after the wedding but couldn't

He took a bag of blood hoping it would revive him and help him remember

Pond looked at Phuwin again and saw scars on his back he wondered where he got them, it's rare to find a vampire with scars

"Oh you woke up?"  Phuwin turned around next to him

"What happened last night?"  Pond asked and immediately turned his head so that Phuwin wouldn't see that he was staring at him

"good morning to you too"

"What happened last night?"  Pond repeated the question

"Relax, nothing happened, you were drunk and I took you to your room, you threw up on me and on you, so I took off our shirts" Phuwin was still sleepy

"And why did you stay here?"

"Thanks to you I drank too" Phuwin said and Pond remembered that he forced him to drink a few glasses at the wedding "so I was pretty fuzzy"

Pond nodded in relief

"And you also asked me to stay" Phuwin continued and smiled teasingly

"No I didn't" Pond said

"Do you even remember anything that you say you don't?"

Pond did not answer

"Good" Phuwin smiled "You pretty much pulled me and you didn't let go and also-"

"Ok shut up" Pond threw a pillow at Phuwin and Phuwin giggled

"Bring me a blood bag too" Phuwin asked

"That was the last one that was here"

"Then bring me what's left" Phuwin pointed to the half bag that was left

"No, I drank more than you, I need it more"

"But you've already drunk half" Phuwin tried to grab it and Pond pushed it away

Phuwin tried once more to catch but failed and fell on Pond

Their bare skin touched each other

Pond felt the warmth from Phuwin and his delicate, soft skin

They looked into each other's eyes


The half bag fell and the blood started to spill

Phuwin advanced on Pond and quickly grabbed the bag from the floor

"mmm" Pond tried to speak but was blocked by Phuwin's stomach

"what did you want to say?"  Phuwin sat down

"I couldn't breathe" Pond took a deep breath

"You don't need to breathe anyway, you're a vampire..."

"Yes I know but it feels good to breathe"

Phuwin shrugged

"Are you going to get off me sometime?"  Pond asked, pointing to Phuwin sitting on his stomach

"Yes, wait" Phuwin drank what was left of the blood and a drop fell near Pond's mouth

Phuwin leaned over and licked the drop of blood

Pond turns red

Phuwin realized what he had done and quickly got off the pond

"I'm going to take a shower" Pond muttered and got up quickly

"Shia" Phuwin knocked on the head

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now