the story

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"I had a boyfriend named Drake" Dunk began to tell "we were together for 3 years, I thought he was the love of my life and we were going to get married
but one night Boun took me to a bar when I went out to get some air ,I saw Drake with someone .they were kissing and humming in the alley" tears began to flow from Dunk's eyes and Joong put a comforting hand on Dunk's hand "The next day I decided that I would go to the bar in the evening to catch him one more time and deal with him ,and also prove to myself... I wanted to find out that I was just hallucinating and maybe the little bit of alcohol I drank affected me...but it happened again but this time he was with another girl, I confronted him, I asked him why he was doing this" Dunk stopped and took a deep breath "He told me that I was innocent and pathetic that I really loved him, that I deserved to be cheated on and that it was all a game, he approached me to kiss me and when I tried to dodge he held me tight"

Joong couldn't hear anymore, he was in pain for Dunk, he hugged him tight and cried with him

"He kissed me and then punched me in the stomach" Dunk continued the story and Joong continued to hug him "He continued to beat me until I almost passed out the last thing I remember from there is Boun calling my name and Drake running away"

"I won't let this happen again" Joong tightened the hug "If I find that son of a bitch..."

Dunk hugged Joong and the tears did not stop

At some point they lay down and Dunk fell asleep in Joong's arms

"I'll protect you from now on" Joong kissed Dunk's forehead and fell asleep


Fourth tossed and turned in bed and could not sleep

He went to Gemini's room and opened the door

He entered and saw Gemini sitting on the bed playing

"something happened?"  he turned to Fourth

"I just wanted to say thanks for helping me look for Prem" Fourth smiled

"My pleasure"

"What are you playing?"  Fourth sat down on the bed next to Gemini "Hey this is Fortnite can I play too??"  Fourth asked

"Sure" Gemini laughed and brought Fourth the remote

  After a few games Fourth gave Gemini the sign to play as well

Gemini played a few games and was going to give Fourth the remote back but found that Fourth had fallen asleep

He chuckled, covered him with a blanket, put the remote aside and lay down next to him

"Good night" he smiled and went to sleep

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now