The meeting at the restaurant

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Joong got ready and went to meet Dunk

He arrived at the meeting place and saw that there was only one person there who was looking at the phone (vampires usually clear the restaurant for the first meeting of the newlyweds)

"Are you Dunk?"  Joong walked up to him

"Krub" Dunk didn't even look up at him

Joong sat down and took the menu that was on the table

He finished choosing and called the waitress to take the order

"and what do you want?"  Joong asked as he finished asking for what he wanted

"I already ordered for myself" Dunk still didn't look up from the phone

"Ok then that's it" Joong closed the menu and smiled politely at the waitress

"Hey" Joong said to Dunk

"Hi" Dunk answered dryly and still didn't look at Joong

"Are you going to be on the phone the whole meeting?"


"You know we're probably going to get married right?"



Joong sat quietly and waited for the food to arrive

When the food arrived Dunk put the phone aside and started eating

"At least you're not with the phone when you're eating" Joong hissed

Dunk finally looked up at Joong

He didn't expect to see someone as handsome and beautiful as Joong

The fork with the food that was on its way to his mouth fell from the socket and the food fell on Dunk's white shirt

"Shia" Dunk got up

Joong took a paper and cleaned up what fell on Dunk

"It's ok" when he realized what Joong did Dunk grabbed the paper from Joong's hand and blushed "I'm going to the bathroom"

Dunk went and washed his face

"The food fell on the shirt not on the face" Joong leaned against the wall near the toilet

Dunk turned off the faucet

Joong waved a hand in a shirt

"Your shirt is dirty" Joong threw him the shirt "take it"

Dunk looked at him questioningly

"It's okay, I always carry an extra shirt with me" Joong said

Dunk still didn't understand why but didn't ask

He took off his shirt and was going to put on the shirt that Joong had brought him

He turned his head to see Joong staring at him

"Do you mind?"  Dunk gave him a spin sign with his finger

"Right right it's impolite I forgot" Joong turned around

Dunk put the shirt on

"Nice body though" Joong said and winked as he turned around after Dunk finished putting his shirt on

Dunk returned towards the table and on the way "accidentally" bumped into Joong

Joong went after Dunk and sat back down

"Sooo do you want to tell me about yourself?"  Joong tried after a few minutes of silence

"No" Dunk said
"Ok" Joong got up and put money and a note on the table

"This is on the food" Joong pointed to the money "and this is in case you're ready to talk" He pointed to the money that had a number written on it

Joong left the restaurant

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