One glass in exchange for an empty bottle

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Joong and Dunk returned to the Jumpol family's house and went up to Joong's room

Joong went into the shower and Dunk meanwhile watched a series

After a while he got fed up
he got up and started poking at Joong's things in the room

He saw an album, opened it and found there pictures of Joong and his family when he was little

"Hey, what are you doing?"  Joong got out of the shower and saw Dunk with the album

"Looking at the album" Dunk laughed at a picture of little Joong

Joong smiled, sat down next to him and looked at the pictures with him

"Is that your parents?"  Dunk pointed to one of the pictures

Joong nodded

"and who is this?"  Dunk pointed to another person in the picture

"His name is Saint" Joong answered "He was once part of the tribe but then he killed someone, my parents loved him so they gave him up the first time and arranged it for him but when this happened again they kicked him out"

"Shia and where is he nowadays?"  Dunk asked

"I haven't spoken to him since" Joong shrugged

They continued to flip through the album

"Shia" Dunk said

"What happened?"  Joong turned around in a panic because he thought something had happened to Dunk

"I forgot the phone in Boun's room" Dunk said

"Then let's go get it"

They went back to Dunk's house


Phuwin went out to buy food and when he came back he heard loud music coming from Pond's room

He went up to his room and saw Pond dancing and holding a glass with red liquid

"What is this??"  Phuwin asked

"do you want too?"  Pond raised his glass

"I just went out for half an hour and that's what you do" Phuwin was despondent "Where did you even get vampire wine?"

"I saved a few bottles from the wedding" Pond hiccupped

Phuwin put the shopping aside and went to get the bottle from Pond

"No" Pond hugged the bottle

"Pond" Phuwin held out his hand for Pond to bring him the bottle

"Only if you drink one glass with me" Pond smiled

"Okay but only one glass" Phuwin rolled his eyes

Pond jumped up and poured Phuwin a glass

"Hi you pour too much wine into the glass" Phuwin stopped Pond

He took the glass and looked at it

"Come on" Pond waited

Phuwin drank the glass and scrunched up his face
"Now the bottle" he demanded

Pond handed Phuwin the bottle and Phuwin saw that the bottle was empty

"Oh seriously?!"  Phuwin was completely disheartened

Pond laughed and was about to fall but phuwin rushed to catch him before he fell

Pond could no longer stand too much wine
He stayed and hugged Phuwin and rested his head on Phuwin's shoulder

"Why do you drink so much?"  Phuwin asked Pond

"It helps me convey the longing to my parents" Pond closed his eyes tiredly

Phuwin looked at him and smiled sadly

Pond lifted his head from Phuwin's shoulder and kissed him
Phuwin kissed him back but the opening door interrupted their kiss

Pond looked up and saw him

"Shia Winn" Pond said and passed out from the wine on the couch

Phuwin quickly turned around and saw Winn standing at the entrance to the room and smiling

Phuwin took out the gun and shot him but Winn moved, the bullet only hit his hand

He disappeared for a moment and then stood in front of Phuwin
"You listen to me now" Winn hypnotized Phuwin "Put the gun down and sit on the bed"

Phuwin did as he said, he lowered the gun and sat on the bed

Winn meanwhile lifted Pond from the sofa and saw how Phuwin's eyes screamed at him

"Now you will sit like this until someone comes" Winn smiled and left the room with Pond

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now