opening up

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Pond opened his eyes in the morning and saw Phuwin sitting in the chair with a serious look on his face

"I need some explanations" Phuwin said as soon as he saw Pond's eyes open

"What explanations?"  Pond was still sleepy, he closed his eyes and wrapped himself in a blanket

"Who was that guy?"

Pond opened his eyes
"No one" Pond tried to lie

"really?"  Phuwin sneered

"y yes" Pond stammered

"If you said it a little more confidently, somehow I could still believe it a little"

"Well it doesn't matter who it was"

"As your bodyguard I need to know"

"No you do not"

"Or I'll tell Off what happened..."

"No" Pond sat down on the bed

"Then tell me"

"Okay okay, I'll tell you," Pond sighed, "It was my ex, Win."

"And what happened there?"  Phuwin was shocked that Pond had a boyfriend but he didn't show it

"He wanted to talk to me and asked to talk outside but when we left he suddenly attacked me and bit me"

"Why did he do that?"

"I do not know"

"Did you end the relationship well?"

"I broke up with him after my parents died..."

Phuwin got up and sat on the bed next to Pond and stroked his hand knowing that the subject of his parents' death makes him sad

"Was he sad or angry?"  Phuwin asked

"Yes, he was quite angry, he didn't want to say goodbye to me, but I haven't seen him since that day, until yesterday"

"Do you remember anything he told you?"

"He asked me to be his boyfriend again or even just friend with benefits
, but when I refused him and turned to leave, he told me that if he couldn't accept me, no one could, and then he bit me."


"Tell me something I don't know"

"It's clear to you that if you ever leave the house again, I'll be next to you, right?!"

"As if you weren't close by now" Pond rolled his eyes

Phuwin grinned and handed him a bag of blood

Pond drank it

"You're not going to tell that to Off are you?"  Pond asked

"As long as you listen to what I tell you then no"

"Ok but don't take it too far"

Phuwin sneered

"By the way, thanks for yesterday, I wouldn't be here now if you weren't there" Pond thanked Phuwin

"That's my job"

"still... thank you"

"Getting emotional?"  Phuwin sneered

"Shut up" Pond rolled his eyes "I will take my thanks back"

"You can't, I already locked it in my heart"

"Then I will take the key to your heart and open it"

They both thought about the double meaning and became embarrassed

"Well I'll go I need to fill your blood supply I took this bag from Joong's room" Phuwin got up and left the room

Pond continued to sit and realized that he was slowly opening up and releasing himself

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now