phobia of blood

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Gemini woke up and when he opened his eyes he saw Fourth sleeping

He looked at him

Fourth's eyelids moved and he opened his eyes to see Gemini looking at him

"Shia" Gemini realized that Fourth had caught him staring at him
He quickly turned to the other side

He felt the bed move and Fourth stood up

He heard the door open and footsteps

When he heard the door close he turned to look and saw that he was alone

He sighed and got up to drink

He opened the blood bag and heard the door open again

"I forgot the phone" Fourth pointed to the phone that was lying on the table

He entered carefully and then noticed the bag of blood and passed out

"Fourth" Gemini rushed to him

Gun who heard the shout used speed and quickly reached them

"What happened to him?"  Gun asked when he saw Fourth lying on the floor

"I don't know" Gemini pressed "he came in and passed out"

"What did you do?"

"I just drank my blood bag"

"He has hematophobia" (phobia of blood)

Gemini was shocked
Fourth was so into vampires and adventure it was strange to him that he was sensitive to blood

"Put him on the bed" Gun told Gemini

Gemini picked Fourth up and laid him on the bed and sat next to him worriedly

"It's ok he should wake up, call me when he wakes up" Gun said and left the room

A few minutes later Foruth opened his eyes

"So you have hematophobia" Gemini said

"Yep" Fourth said

"why did not you tell me?"

"Should I have said?"

Really why would he tell you?  Gemini thought
"How do you feel?"  He asked

"A little weak but I'm fine...hey is this the new game?"  Fourth pointed to the lit screen

"Yes" Gemini chuckled

"Give me the remote"

Gemini brought Fourth the remote and Fourth played

Meanwhile, Gemini went to call Gun

"Fourth" Gun rushed to him

"I'm okay hia" Fourth reassured him

"Leave the remote and rest"

"I got up a little while ago, I'm not tired"

Gun glared at him
"Okay okay" he turned to Gemini "keep an eye on him to see if he eats something later"

"Krub Phi" Gemini said and Gun left

Gemini sat near Fourth

"Hey Fourth" he addressed him "want to come to the wedding with me?"

"Oh yeah, I haven't been to a wedding in a long time"

"great ,the wedding is tomorrow" Gemini was happy that Fourth agreed to come with him

"We'll go buy an outfit this afternoon"

"Krub" Gemini was still smiling

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