Afraid to go to the bathroom alone

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Gemini and Fourth entered the room and Gemini fell face down on the bed and Fourth sat next to him

"Gem" Fourth shaked Gemini "Gem"

"what?"  Gemini asked his face is still buried in the bed

"lets play"

Gemini rolled over and looked at Fourth who smiled at him

"Aren't you supposed to be more exhausted than me?"  Gemini asked him

Fourth shrugged
"Soo do you want to play?"  He blinked

"Ok but only one game"

Fourth nodded and Gemini sat on the bed

"So now you're going back to school right?"  Fourth asked

"Yes" Gemini said and yawned

They finished playing

"That's it? Can I go to sleep?"  Gemini asked tiredly

"Yes" Fourth said and Gemini lay back

"But before that I need you to come with me" Fourth continued

"where to?"  Gemini asked

"to the bathroom"

"Why?"  Gemini was suddenly alert

"I don't want to be alone"

"But it's here" Gemini pointed to the room

"No Gem come on" Fourth got up and pulled Gemini off the bed

"Ok ok" Gemini laughed and stood up

"Well you stay here" Fourth pointed to the floor outside the bathroom and Gemini nodded "I leave the door open but don't peek"

Gemini nodded

Fourth came in and Gemini sat down on the floor

When Fourth came out he saw that Gemini had fallen asleep and giggled

He went to get the book and was looking for a levitation spell

He found it and started muttering

Gemini's body rose and Fourth directed him to the bed
He placed Gemini on the bed and jumped next to him

"You are a sound sleeper" Fourth chuckled and lay back down

He didn't know how tired he was until he closed his eyes and fell asleep immediately


Boun wanted to talk to Prem after the fight but by the time he finished checking that Dunk was okay it was too late

He'd already seen Prem leans on Gun passed out from all the magic use his first time

Gun and Off picked him up and took him

Boun wanted to suggest that he take him but he guessed Gun wouldn't agree to that

He remembered that Joong and Pond knew about Prem and he didn't want Dunk to find out about it

"You mustn't tell Dunk about Prem" Boun took Joong aside

"I'm not good at keeping secrets from him" Joong said "He always notices something suspicious"

"You want me to hypnotize you so you forget about it?!"  Boun asked

"Who told you that you are stronger than me?"

"wanna try?"

Joong shook his head

"Great" Boun said "just don't think about it at all"

"Ok" Joong nodded

Boun returned home and went to bed brooding

"Is he mad at me because I fooled him? What if he doesn't forgive me?!"  Boun was afraid

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now