something is happening

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Joong and Dunk entered the restaurant and called the waiter

"What would you like to order?"  The waiter approached them

Dunk ordered for both and the waiter smiled and left

"Didn't you see how he looked at you?"  Joong asked him

"what?"  Dunk didn't understand

"Never mind" Joong sighed

The waiter returned with the food

"This is for you" the waiter placed it in front of Dunk and winked at him

He put down Joong's plate with disdain and left

"Now you saw it right??"  Joong asked

"He's just nice" Dunk said

"Yeah only to you" Joong frowned and Dunk chuckled

They finished eating and the waiter approached them

He handed them the bill and a note with a number

"What is that?"  Dunk asked him

"My number" the waiter winked at him

"He's taken" Joong handed the note back to the waiter and put a hand on dunk's hand

"In case you ever break up" the waiter handed Dunk the note

Joong stood up and kissed Dunk

"Joong!" Dunk was red and embarrassed

"We won't" Joong turned to the waiter took Dunk and left

He led Dunk to the car and drove home with him

"You can't let people flirt with you like that" Joong sped up

"Ok but Joong calm down I'm not sure we can survive an accident" Dunk placed a hand on his hip

The words "surviving an accident" echoed in Joong's head and he pulled to the side abruptly

"Joong?"  Dunk turned to him and saw that he was sweating

Joong quickly got out of the car, ran to one of the alleys and vomited there

Dunk who followed him patted him on the back and brought him water

"What happened?"  Dunk asked him

"Nothing" Joong held on to the wall "I'm fine"

"You threw up - something that doesn't usually happen to vampires - how can you say you're fine?"

"I'm really fine" Joong took a deep breath

Dunk decided to let him relax and he knew he would tell when he wanted to

They got back into the car and Joong was about to get into the driver's seat

"I'll drive now" Dunk held the door

Joong looked Dunk in the eyes and saw that he was determined

He gave him the key and sat in the seat next to the driver

Dunk got in and drove them home

They arrived home and went up to the apartment

Dunk came in and put the key on the counter

Joong entered and if he hadn't held on to the door he would have fallen

Dunk rushed to him and held him

"Shia joong you are hot" Dunk put a hand on his forehead

"It's fine" Joong said

"Stop saying it's fine it's obviously not" Dunk took him to bed

He went to get a bowl of water and wanted to talk to Joong but Joong had already fallen asleep

"What's happening to you?"  Dunk asked looking at sleeping Joong

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now