The puppy is gone

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Boun heard the bell ring
He assumed it was Dunk who had forgotten something and opened the door

"Hey Dunk what did you for-" Boun saw it was prem "What are you doing here?"

"Can your vampire sense detect dogs?"  Prem asked


"Can your vampire sense detect dogs?"  Prem asked more slowly

"No no I understood the question but why would you ask that?"

"I read that vampires can detect things by smell and my dog is lost"

"Did you look for him well?"  Boun was thinking about how to convince prem to give up on his idea

"It's a dog, he would bark"

"Yeah right"

"So can you help me?"

"Sure" Boun smiled to look nice

"Thank you" Prem jumped excitedly and led Boun outside

"His name is chase, he's tiny and sweet with lots of fur, he likes to lick and he stinks"

"No he's not" boun tried to defend himself as a dog

"How do you know?"  Prem looked at him suspiciously

"Because dogs can't be stinky?"  Boun tried

"Oh trust me he is" Prem nodded "I was supposed to bathe him today but he ran away before that"

"Shower him with you?"  Boun began to fantasize

"No Ugh I was going to drown him in a bath with soap" prem continued walking and Boun stopped and swallowed "and then pamper him with cookies and crackers" Boun quickly made up the gap when he heard cookies and crackers

"Oh wait here take" Prem handed him a towel

"What is?"

"A towel I wiped him with, so you can smell and find him"

"Oh okay" Boun smiled and took the towel and when he smelled it he realized how stinky it was and returned the towel to Prem

"Well, do you find him?"  Prem asked

"That way" Boun started walking and Prem followed him

They arrived at the restaurant and went in and Boun sat down at one of the tables

"he is here?"  Prem scanned the room with his gaze

"No he's not I'm just hungry and the smell of the food drew me here"

Prem sighed

Boun ordered food for him and Prem and they ate

When they finished eating they got up and left the restaurant

"Do you need to smell the towel again?"  Prem asked and took out the towel

"No thanks it's stuck in my nose" Boun pulled away from the towel

  They started to move forward and when Boun saw a dark alley he stopped

"There he is" Boun pointed in the other direction
"where?"  Prem looked in the direction Boun was pointing at "I do not see anyth-" Prem turned back but Boun was gone

"Woof Woof"

Prem heard the barking of a dog
He turned his head and saw chase

"CHASE!"  Prem called and ran to him
Chase jumped up and licked it

"Where did you run away to?" Prem caressed him

Chase barked and Prem picked him up and took him home

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