A friend from the past

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Pond woke up groggy with a headache
He tried to move his hands and discovered that they were handcuffed

He looked around him

The walls were rough and round, the light came only from the small lamps and it was cold

He thought he was in a cave

He tried to free himself from the handcuffs once more but failed

"So you woke up" Winn entered the cave and smiled

"go to hell" Pond hissed

Winn smiled and approached him Pond tried to push himself against the wall but Winn grabbed him and held him in his jaw

"I told you you'd be mine in the end" Winn smiled

Pond spat in his face

"SAT" Winn released from Pond and wiped his face and Pond smiled triumphantly
"Why can't you just be with me?!" Winn raised his voice

"We didn't really loved each other Winn" Pond said "it's only because we both went through a hard time and we were attracted to each other only because of our identical strengths"

"We were perfect for each other" Winn shouted "You loved me and I loved you back"

"Even you say it in the past tense"

"You met someone new right? That's why you don't want to be with me" Winn took a deep breath

"That's not why Winn, I just don't love you anymore"

"So you didn't deny it, you really found someone new" Winn bowed his head

Pond did not answer

"But it's okay" Winn raised his head "it doesn't matter anymore because you'll stay here until you love me again"
He smiled and moved towards him

"Hi Winn no" Pond clings to the stones

Winn approached him with a smile but Pond kicked him hard and Winn fell to the floor

"Sat" Winn got up from the floor and moved towards Pond quickly
He raised his fist

"Win!" someone held his hand

"Saint" Winn turned around

"Wait after the ceremony" Saint warned him

"Ok" Winn nodded and walked out

"Hey Saint, what are you doing here?" Pond smiled "I haven't seen you in years"

"As if you cared" Saint rolled his eyes

"You were me and Joong's best friend like another brother of ours we must have cared"

"Then why didn't you look for me?" Saint asked

"We-" Pond started to say

"Oh Saint, you've arrived" Ellen entered "Joong called me he was trying to locate us"

"Did he succeeded?!" Saint turned to her quickly

"No,I managed to hang up before that but they'll find a way soon" Ellen said

"Then the ceremony should be done quickly" Saint nodded

"What? What ceremony? Saint... What is she talking about?" Pond asked and started to get scared

Saint did not answer and smiled
He left the cave and Ellen followed him

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