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Prem woke up in the morning and saw that the dog was still sleeping next to him, he smiled, got up and went out to buy them food

Meanwhile in the house the dog also woke up and when he saw that Prem was not there he allowed himself to change back to a human-Boun
"I still feel fur in my mouth" Boun stuck out his tongue and went to drink

He poured himself a glass of water and saw the picture on the dresser

Boun dropped the glass in astonishment
"Shia" the glass cut him off

He was going to clean up and look at the picture again but he heard the door open and immediately turned back into a dog

"Chase" Prem enters "you woke up!"

Chase/Boun ran to him, barked, wagged his tail and jumped on prem

Prem picked him up and stroked him and Boun gave him a lick

"Oh what happened here?"  Prem saw the glass on the floor "you are injured" he saw Boun's furry paw is red

He cleaned the wound and dressed it

"Today you will rest and and don't walk on your paws" Prem said laying him on the couch and went to clean the broken glasses

When he finished he returned to the sofa and sat down

He turned on the TV and Boun got up and sat on him

Prem stroked him and put a movie


"There's no end to it" Gun complained

They have been sitting on the list since morning

"Yeah, they don't really like us" Off said "Maybe we should take a little break?"

Gun nodded

They got up from the table in Off's office, went to Off's room, lay down on the bed and put on a movie

Gun hugged Off and rested on top of him
Off wasn't used to these gestures yet, he'd never been in a relationship before

He looked at Gun stroked his hair and smiled

"I feel like you're looking at me instead of the film" Gun said

"You're more interesting than the movie" Off blushed and looked back up at the movie

Gun blushed and tightened his hug
They continued to watch the movie until they fell asleep

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now