take care

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I still don't delete yesterday's upload because I still don't know which ship I will choose so if you have ideas you can still offer

If there are no other ideas then I am debating whether to write about JaFirst or Meenping, which one do you prefer?

Thanks to everyone who wrote it is very helpful💛💛💛


Off knocked on Gemini's door

Gemini hurried to get up to open the door so it wouldn't wake Fourth.

"Gemini we are going to buy things for the wedding" Off said

" Go without me, I'll go another day" Gemini said


"Fourth is sick I need to take care of him"

"He won't be able to manage without you for a few hours?"

Gemini glanced at Fourth
"He'll have to go anyway because it's Gun's wedding too, I'll go with him another day"

"Gemini" Off smiled teasingly at him "Do you want to tell me something?"

"what?"  Gemini didn't understand

"Something about you and Fourth maybe?"  Off hinted to him

"Off!" Gemini pushed him out and closed the door

He heard Off's giggles from outside

"who was that?"  Fourth mumbled from the bed

"Off" Gemini went back to sitting next to Fourth

"What did he want?"

"They are going to buy the things for the wedding"

"Then why didn't you go?"  Fourth looked up at him

"Someone needs to take care of you" Gemini ruffled his hair

"I can take care of myself for a few hours"

"I'm your boyfriend and I have to take care of you....I'll go with you another day"

Fourth covered his head with a blanket

"What happened?"  Gemini asked

"Nothing" Fourth rolled over to the other side and left the blanket on him

"Your boyfriend"
Fourth didn't want Gemini to see him blushing and covered himself


"Off" Gun sat on the bed while off got dressed

"what?"  Off put on a shirt

"We can adopt children right?"  Gun asked

"Do you want a child?"  Off sat down next to him

Gun nodded
"You do not want?"  He asked

"I never thought about that...I always had to take care of my other siblings as if they were my own children especially since my parents died so I didn't feel the need to raise a child" off shrugged

"And now that you do think about it...do you want a child?"

"I want everything you want" Off smiled at him

Gun smiled back at him and hugged him

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now