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Fourth and Prem sat and ate breakfast

"Ai where are you going?"  Fourth asked Gun who rushed out

"I'll be right back" Gun left the house

"Did you see that?"  Fourth turned to Prem

"I saw what?"  Prem asked

"The scarf..."

"What is the problem?"

"It's very hot outside why would he wear a scarf?"

"I don't know...Gun and his style" Prem shrugged "Do you need me to drop you off at school?"

"No, but thanks, I'll walk"

Fourth got ready and left for school

He entered the class

The lesson has started

After about ten minutes a student entered the classroom

"Sorry sorry teacher I got up late" Gemini apologized and sat down

"Gemini" Fourth thought "I'm curious what's going on with this guy ,he's mysterious...he looks childish and smiling but I also feel something dark about him..."

"Fourth" the teacher pulled Fourth out of his thoughts "I understand you Gemini is handsome but concentrate on the lesson please"

Fourth realized he was staring at Gemini and immediately lowered his head, confused and red

He heard Gemini chuckle

"This Bitch" Fourth buried his head in the table


Fourth didn't notice that he had fallen asleep but when he woke up he saw that the tables were empty

"Is it 3pm already?!"  He said aloud "I shouldn't have stayed up late last night reading books about vampires"

"Right, you shouldn't" he heard a voice behind him

"Shia" Fourth was startled and jumped

He stood up turned around and saw Gemini

Gemini chuckled and Foruth rolled his eyes

"what are you doing here?"  Fourth asked "Why didn't you go?"

"I stayed to suck your blood" Gemini approached him

"what?"  Fourth took a step back

Gemini smiled slyly and advanced

Forth continued to walk back and felt himself get stuck in the wall

Gemini was really close

Fourth screamed ,ran to the side and ran out of the classroom

Gemini stayed in the classroom and laughed

After a short run Fourth remembered that he had forgotten his things in class

He went back to the classroom opened the door and saw that no one was there

He went in to get his things and quickly left

"I knew he was a vampire" Fourth muttered to himself

Suddenly he collided with someone and fell

He saw a hand outstretched towards him and helped himself to rise

He picked up the things he had fallen from the floor

The man he encountered helped him and handed him a book  about vampires

"Thank-" Fourth looked up and saw Gemini

He screamed and ran to the other side

Gemini looked at him with a confused look and kept the book to himself

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now