same picture

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A knock on the door of his room woke Boun up
"Who is this?"  He asked

No one answered and the knocking continued

Boun sighed and got up to open the door and the knocking stopped for a moment

He opened the door and Prem who knocked on the door and exactly took a backward swing, ran forward and knocked him to the floor

"Hey" Prem got up on his hands and smiled

Boun blinked to make sure he wasn't hallucinating Prem

Prem stood and the shocked Boun still remained on the floor
He held out his hand and Boun took it and stood up

"what are you doing here?"  Boun asked

"I need to ask you some questions" Prem sat on the bed and opened a Lay's snack

"Are you sure you didn't come for the snacks?"  Boun raised an eyebrow

"Maybe" Prem shrugged and continued to nibble

Boun smiled and sat next to him
"So what did you want to ask?"  He reached out to take some potatoes chips but Prem moved it aside

"Get yourself one of your own" he said

Boun shook his head in despair

"About the questions..." Prem said "I asked Gun about the vampires and how you were a dog and he said that vampires who were born vampires have special powers so your power is to turn into animals?"

"Was that the important question you came to ask me?"  Boun asked "Not that I'm complaining of course you're always welcome" Boun added quickly

"I don't care if I'm invited just answer me please" Prem said

"Of course you don't mind" Boun muttered to himself "My power is to turn into an animal or a human whose blood I drank"

"Do I want to know how did you get chase's blood?"  Prem hesitated

"No" Boun smiled

"I lost my appetite" Prem said

"really?"  Boun was about to take the snack from Prem but Prem kept the snack

"Here my appetite is back, I can continue to eat" Prem smiled and put more of the snack in his mouth

"Do you have any more questions?"  Boun chuckled

"Can I take some of the snacks home?"

Boun laughed

"Does that mean yes or no?"  Prem waited for an answer

"Okay, okay, I'll let you take it, but before that, answer my question," Boun said

Prem nodded

"The picture on your dresser...there was a picture of you when you were little and there was another boy in the picture...who is he?"  Boun asked

Prem stopped chewing

"I don't know" Prem put the snack aside "it feels familiar and important to me that's why I keep the picture but I can't remember"

"Don't you recognize me?"  Boun asked

"what?"  Prem turned his head

"You ran away from home when you were angry and I helped you" Boun said

"When did I run away from home?"  Prem laughed

"Do you remember anything from that age?"  Boun asked

"Yes I remember everything" Prem nodded

"So how come you don't remember me?"

"Maybe I'm not who you think I am?"

Boun got up and went to the closet

He took out a picture from there and showed it to Prem

Prem was shocked, he looked at the picture and saw that the picture was like the picture on his dresser
"H...How?"  Prem asked
He got up quickly and walked towards the door

"Where are you going?"  Boun asked

"I have to go home" Prem said and left

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now