Is there a connection?

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Joong closed his eyes and waited to hear a shot
But he heard a blow and a body falling

He opened his eyes and saw Pond holding a board and Ellen lying on the floor

"JOONG" Pond dropped the board and rushed to him "Are you okay?"  He checked it

"I'm fine I'm fine" Joong hugged Pond

Ellen got up and used her vampiric haste to run away but bumped into Phuwin who was standing at the entrance holding her down

She bit Phuwin's hand and Phuwin instinctively released her
He chased after her but returned after a few seconds

"She's gone," he said

Pond sighed and turned to Joong

"What was she even doing here? Why did she point a gun at you?"  Pond asked

"She wanted to come back to me" Joong answered

"Why now?!"

"Maybe because I just got married and she heard about it"

"Something happened to me with the ex yesterday too" Pond helped Joong up and exchanged glances with Phuwin

"With Win?"


"What happened with him?"

"He bit me and drained most of my blood"

"Shia, when did this happen? How come I didn't know about it until now?!"

"Yesterday evening, I couldn't tell you yesterday because I passed out after it happened and today I woke up late and you already asked me to come so I said I'll tell you when I see you"

"Why are they coming back now?"

"I don't know"

"Do your two exes know each other?"  Phuwin asked

"We went on a few double dates together," Joong said

"I don't think it's a coincidence that they both came back at the same time"

"what are you thinking about?"  Pond asked

"I don't know but I have a feeling this isn't a coincidence...Joong you need a bodyguard too" Phuwin said

"Why?"  Joong asked

"That someone will always be with you so that what happened now will not happen again"

"I have Dunk"

"And where is he now?"

"He went out with his brother"

"Ok as long as he's with you most of the time it's fine"

"Do you think we should tell Off?"

Phuwin looked at Pond

"If there really is a connection between the cases, then I think you should tell him" Pond said

"I'll let him know" Phuwin nodded

"what happened here?!"  Dunk returned home and dropped the bags he was holding because of the shock from the mess "Weren't you supposed to clean?!"

"Hey Dunk" Joong went to Dunk and told him what happened

"Are you okay?"  Dunk turned Joong around and examined him from all sides

"Yes yes I'm fine Pond knocked her out for a few seconds"

Dunk hugged Joong with worry and relief
Joong was surprised but hugged him back with a smile

"Married couples" Pond rolled his eyes "Come on Phuwin we won't disturb this pair of pigeons"

Pond pulled Phuwin toward the exit

Dunk stopped hugging Joong and stood embarrassed

Pond and Phuwin left and Dunk picked up the bags he had dropped

"I bought you food on the way" he opened the bag took out the food and handed it to Joong

"Thanks" Joong smiled

Dunk smiled and went to pick up the things Joong dropped when he fell

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now