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Fourth opened his eyes weakly

"He woke up" Gemini was in front of his face

"What happened?"  Fourth held his head

"You did a spell and then you passed out" Gemini said

"I did what?!"

"Witchcraft" Gemini nodded enthusiastically "You are a wizard"


"It's also something we haven't been able to understand"

"Is it inherited? Or do you have to do something to get it?"

"It's inherited"

"So Gun is a wizard too?"

"No" Gemini shook his head "like, maybe he was but if a wizard turns into a vampire then he's not a wizard anymore"

Fourth nodded

"Where did you get the spell anyway?" Gemini asked

"Oh I took it from one of dad's books I didn't think it would really work" Fourth shrugged

"Fourth" Gun opened the door and ran to hug his brother

"It's ok Gun I'm fine" Fourth smiled

"I don't agree with you using this thing anymore" Gun made a face

"We'll probably need it" Phuwin entered the room and Joong and Dunk followed him

"Why?!"  Gun asked

"He gave us the general place but we need to be more precise"

"But it's dangerous you saw that he fainted"

"Pond is in greater danger," Joong said


"Gun" Off came in and hugged Gun "It's ok"

"I won't let you use it anymore" Gun pushed Off

"Gun" Fourth called him "it's my powers I'll decide"

Gun gave everyone a warning look and left Gemini's room and entered his own

Off went after him

"Gun" he knocked on the door

Gun didn't answer

"Gun" off kept knocking

"what?"  Gun opened the door a little

"Can I talk to you?"  Off asked

Gun opened the door fully, off entered and Gun closed it after him

"You came to tell me you weren't going to do it right?"  Gun asked

Off didn't answer

"Then you can go out" Gun opened the door back

"Hey listen Fourth is not the first wizard there were many more before him" Off approached Gun and Gun didn't move away, Off held his hands "They get tired of it especially at first but after practice they get stronger"

"You won't understand" Gun said

"What won't I understand?"

"I can't tell you" Gun shook his head

"Ok" Off nodded "but you know we have no other way to find him"

"Ok" Gun took a deep breath "but one last time papi"

"One last time" Off confirmed and kissed Gun

The kiss deepened until a phone interrupted it

"Who is it?"  Off was pissed that they were interrupted

"It is my parents, Tay and New"

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now