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"So you all managed to arrive" Saint gave a devilish smile and clapped his hands

"Saint" off said

"Off" Saint said still smiling

"What do you want?"  Off asked

" your powers" Saint said raising his hand to show the ring and became invisible and then visible again

Off saw this and immediately looked for Pond
He saw him with slightly open eyes looking at what was happening weakly and Phuwin protecting him

He moved his gaze to the other side and saw Dunk leaning over Joong and trying to wake him up

Off realized he needed to take the time

"Why from us?"  Off turned back to Saint

"First your powers are the strongest, second revenge" Saint smiled proudly

"Revenge? What for?"  Off asked

"WHAT FOR?!"  The question irritated Saint

Off regretted asking

"You threw me out of the tribe, other vampires found me and tortured me but you didn't look for me" Saint shouted

"Saint-" Off tried to get closer

"Pa!"  Gun noticed his father in the corner "What are you doing here?!"

Tay remained silent

"This is my faithful servant" Saint walked towards Tay and put a hand on his chest

"Tay?!"  Off asked

"Do you know my father?"  Gun looked confused

" dad, Tay, New, Earth and Mix were good friends before but one day they broke up and told us they moved house" off said

"It doesn't matter now what happened" Saint interrupted the conversation "Ellen!Win!Drake!"  Saint called to them and they turned and approached Off Gun Gemini and Fourth


"Hey Joong" Dunk shook Joong

"Dunk" Joong smiled weakly and held his hand "I'm sorry" a tear fell down his cheek

"Don't be sorry now we'll have a long talk about it at home but now you have to fight" Dunk held Joong's hand

Joong nodded and sat up but immediately fell back

"Ai Joong" Dunk called him and noticed the cut on his chest

"Shia it is poisoned" Dunk said and saw Joong's eyes roll "Ai Joong stay with me" he slapped him and Joong opened his eyes

"Ouch" Joong complained

"I'll try to heal you but it's poisoned so it'll be more complicated" Dunk said and Joong nodded

Dunk started using his powers

"Ugh" Joong grabbed his hand painfully

Dunk let him hold his hand and continued to heal him Joong's grip slowly loosened

Sweat broke out on Dunk's forehead but he continued to heal him

"Stop" Joong stopped him

"what? why?"  Dunk asked

"It takes too much of your energy," Joong said

Dunk was so focused that he didn't notice how weak his body was getting

"But-" Dunk wanted to argue

"No I'm fine now" Joong said

Dunk nodded and Joong sat down and they both leaned against the stone exhausted

They looked around and saw Drake fighting Off and Gun, Ellen and Winn on Fourth and Gemini ,and Saint looking at them and smirking from the side

They wanted to get up to help but were too exhausted

"Hey Joong, Dunk" Phuwin called them

They turned their heads to him

"I'm going to help them take care of him" he pointed at Pond

Joong nodded and stood up
He limped exhausted towards Pond and Dunk went after him

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now