Little Prem

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The evening has come and Prem started to get stressed for the ceremony and decided to text Boun

"Can you come to my house?"

"Of course" Boun answered quickly and a few minutes later Prem heard the house bell ring

He went down to open the door and saw Boun in the doorway

"That was fast" Prem said

Boun smiled and entered

They went to Prem's room and Prem sat on the bed and fiddled with his hands

"Prem?"  Boun sat next to him "Is everything alright?"

"A bit stressed" Prem said

"From what?"

"The ceremony today, dad will help me but I'm still scared"

Boun held his hands
"You don't have to do it if you don't want to," he said

"But I do want to" Prem said "I have to remember"

"Okay" Boun nodded "I will be with you during the ceremony and if possible I will hold your hand everything will be fine"

Boun reassured him and hugged him

Prem took a deep breath and relaxed


The evening has come

They left the room

Tay was waiting for them and New held his hand

The four of them went to the living room

"Are you ready?"  Tay asked

Prem nodded and lay down on the sofa and Boun sat next to him on the floor and held his hand

"You mustn't stay there too long or you will sink into memories and not wake up" Tay said

Prem took a deep breath and closed his eyes

Tay put his hands on Prem's head and started mumbling

Prem saw himself as a boy swinging on a swing and looking lonely then another boy came up to him

"Hey what's your name?"  the boy asked

Little Prem did not answer and continued to swing quietly

"I'm Boun" the boy said and sat down on the swing next to him

Prem got up from the swing and went to the slide but the boy followed him

"why are you sad?"  Boun glided after prem

"I fought with my parents" Prem finally said

"Did you run away from home?"

Prem nodded

"Won't your parents be worried?"  Boun asked

"They will" Prem said "but I don't want to go home now"

"I'll keep you company" Boun smiled

"My name is Prem" Prem smiled back

Boun laughed and started running after Prem who ran away from him

The memory has passed

They were once again at a playground but this time it was at a school

Children laughed at him and bullied him
He saw himself running to the garden and sitting on the swing and crying

"What happened?"  Boun who saw him ran to him

"Children at school bullied me" Prem continued to cry

Boun approached him and wiped away his tears

Prem snorted and Boun hugged him

"I'll protect you" Boun whispered to him

The memory once again passed and he saw himself once again at school and the children who bullied him yesterday and today smiled at him and played with him

He knew Boun was responsible for it

He went to the garden in the evening and hugged Boun

"Thank you" he tightened the hug

Boun laughed and hugged him back

He saw several more clips of them laughing happily and running after each other with smiles on their faces

Then he saw Tay and New standing to the side and looking at them with worried eyes

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