Back to the apartment

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Joong and Dunk entered their apartment

"Home sweet home" Joong sat down on the couch and Dunk lay down next to him and put his head on Joong's legs

"We need to unpack and put things in their place" Joong said, "and do some shopping. There's probably no food in the fridge."

"Right" Dunk nodded

"are you hungry?"  Joong stroked his hair

"Yeah" Dunk yawned

"You are tired" Joong said "I will prepare the food for us"

Dunk sat up quickly
"No no I'm not tired I'll prepare the food for us" he smiled and got up

Joong watched him go to the kitchen and start cooking

"It's ready" Dunk said after some time

They sat down at the table and started eating

"Oh it's so delicious" Joong devoured it all

"After eating your food everything tastes good" Dunk muttered quietly

"what?"  Joong asked with his mouth full of food

"Nothing" Dunk smiled "keep eating"

"I'm full" Joong leaned back

"Me too" Dunk stood up

"I'll clear the table and wash the dishes" Joong put the hand of Dunk's hand that was about to pick up the plate

"Ok" Dunk said and went to sit on the couch

Joong cleared the dishes and washed them and when he finished he went to the living room and saw that Dunk had fallen asleep on the couch

He carried Dunk into their bedroom and placed him on the bed carefully

He left the room, went to their suitcases and started unpacking them and put the things in their place


"How exciting!!" Fourth jumped for joy

"Yeahh" Gemini laughed at Fourth's enthusiasm

"Our brothers are getting married" Fourth hugged him excitedly and Gemini laughed and jumped with him

When they stopped jumping Fourth looked into Gemini's eyes

"Gemini..." Fourth started to say "About yesterday...the kiss..."

"What about it?"

"What does that mean for us?"  Fourth asked

Gemini smiled and leaned in to kiss him

"Does that answer your question?" Gemini continued to smile

Red Fourth nodded and hugged him back

"Are you shy?"  Gemini chuckled

Fourth nodded

"It's okay fotfot" Gemini hugged him tightly

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now