going to the bar

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Joong Dunk Pond and Phuwin met in the evening in a bar

They sat down in one of the corners

"Hi Pond why did you choose this bar everyone here looks grumpy and dark" Phuwin tugged at Pond's shirt

"Right" Dunk clung to Joong

"It's a vampire bar," Pond said

"Why did you take us to a vampire bar?"  Phuwin asked

"Because only here can you order vampire wine" Pond said

"Since when does it bother you to bite someone?"  Joong look at Pond strangely

"It doesn't bother me to bite"

Phuwin turned his head to him with a sullen look

"But only one person" Pond winked at phuwin

Phuwin smiled shyly

"What is that mea-" Joong started to say but Pond cut him off and ordered the drink

He poured everyone a glass

"Cheers" Pond said and they clinked their glasses

"It's strong" Phuwin drank and furrowed his brows

Pond nodded and poured Phuwin another shot

Phuwin drank it

They continued to laugh and drink

About two hours later Dunk rested his head on Joong's shoulder

"I'm going to the bathroom" Phuwin announced and stood up

"I'll come with you" Pond stood

"No no you stay here" Phuwin sat him down and went alone to the bathroom

"So Pond what's going on between you and Phuwin?"  Joong asked

"Don't meddle in their personal affairs" Drunk Dunk muttered

"It's my brother he's supposed to tell me" Joong said "well then what's going on?"

"I don't know if he's ready to reveal it so that it stays between us but we're together" Pond smiled

"I kneww" Joong shouted and then lowered his voice "since when??"

"After the fight" Pond said and Joong smiled

He poured him and Pond shot

"To your happy relationship" Joong raised his glass

"To your happy marriage" Pond giggled and drank

Dunk yawned

"You can sleep ter don't worry I'll take care of you" Joong stroked his hair

Dunk nodded and closed his eyes

"Well Phuwin's been there too long and I'm feeling a third wheel I'm going to check what's going on with him" Pond said

Joong nodded and Pond got up and walked towards the bathroom

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