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* 4 days passed
Joong and Dunk did not see each other and only Joong sent messages to Dunk from time to time

Gemini helped Fourth look for Prem, they found nothing and Gemini slept at Fourth's*

"Hey Gemini" Fourth got up and woke Gemini up

" 5 minutes" Gemini turned to the other side

"Gemini" Fourth tried to wake him up once more

"Oh Shia Off stop pestering me" Gemini covered his head with the blanket

Fourth tried to remember why that name sounded familiar to him but couldn't remember from where

"Hey Gemini" Fourth shouted

Gemini rolled off the bed and fell to the floor

"What? Why? Who?"  He looked around

Fourth looked at him

"You said you would help me look for my brother" Fourth reminded him

"Oh help yeah right" Gemini sat back on the bed

"Let's have breakfast first"

"Shia" Gemini thought and remembered "I'm out of blood bags"

"Ok" Gemini got up and followed Fourth into the kitchen

Fourth made a small breakfast for him and Gemini

"Oh no thanks I'm not hungry" Gemini pushed the plate away

"I made it and you eat it" Fourth pushed his plate back

Gemini knew that if he would eat it before drinking a bag of blood he would throw it up

"But I'm not hungry" Gemini pushed the plate back

"Eat this, you'll need energy" Fourth pushed once more

"Ok" Gemini had an idea "but can you get me some water?"

"Ok..." Fourth got up to get him water

When Fourth turned his back Gemini used speed quickly threw the food in the bin and returned to the place

Fourth returned with a glass of water

"What?When did you manage to eat everything? Didn't you say you weren't hungry?"

"I guess I was hungry" Gemini shrugged

"Or my food was delicious" Fourth smiled proudly

"Yeah" Gemini smiled

Fourth went to wash the dishes while Gemini corresponded on the phone

He opened the bin and saw the food

"When the hell did he do that?!" Fourth thought and tensed

He took a knife out of the drawer and approached Gemini

"What are you?!"  He came behind him and put the knife to his neck

"what?"  Gemini panicked

"How did you do it?"  Fourth pointed with his free hand at the bin

"Fourth" Gemini turned to him "I'll explain to you but don't panic"

"Well" Fourth clamped the knife

"I'm a vampire" Gemini said

"I KNEW IT!!" Fourth said "I'm a genius"

"Wait what..." Gemini was shocked

"I told Prem you are a vampire but he didn't believe me but I was right" Fourth jumped with excitement

"This is not the reaction I expected"

"If you had told me that before you slept with me I would have probably stabbed you in the head out of fear ,but I know that if you wanted to do something to me you would have already done it"

Gemini blinked speechless

"Wait a minute, so whoever kidnapped my brother is also a vampire?!"  Fourth dropped the knife from his hand in fear "Is he as good a vampire as you?"

"I don't know him...I just know my brother knows the family and they are on good terms"

"Wait do you have a family?"  Fourth asked "Do vampires have families?"

"Why shouldn't they have?"

"I don't know some of the books I read didn't have them" Fourth shrugged "Do you have a picture?"

Gemini took out the phone and opened a picture of the family

"He looks familiar to me" Fourth pointed to one of the people in the picture

"It's ny brother, Off" Gemini said

"Wait a minute, Gun's boyfriend?!"  It hits him

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now