The smell stuck

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Boun moved quickly towards the bar because he saw Prem

When he arrived he saw drunk Prem with his friends trying to hold him down

"Let's continue drinking" Prem tried to resist and step back

"Shia Pram you are drunk enough" Khao pulled him

"How much did he drink?"  Boun approached them and asked them

"Who are you?"  First asked Boun

"I'm Boun, his friend"

The friends exchanged glances
"We don't know Boun" Book said

"I am the person he met in the last few days, didn't he tell you something about me?"

"He told us he was kidnapped by vampires" Force said

Boun was startled

"But he was already drunk and spouting nonsense" Force continued

Boun was relieved

"Khao I want to go home" First yawned and hugged Khao tiredly

"Ok babe" he handed Prem to Force and Book "we are going back bye"
They waved goodbye and left

Force held Prem and Prem turned around and vomited on him

"Hey Prem" Force dropped him and Prem would have fallen to the floor if Boun hadn't caught him

"You said you were his friend right?"  Force said looking at his shirt in disgust

"Yes" Boun answered

"Then bring him home" Forcr went back in to clean himself and Book came in after him

"You are so stinky" Boun said to Prem and covered his nose "what am I doing with you brother is getting married I can't babysit you"

Boun tried to think and found a solution
He took Prem to the hall and put him in one of the rooms
He laid him there on the little couch

"I'll come back to get you when the wedding is over" Boun said and went back to the table

"Hia you are stinky where have you been these few minutes?"  Dunk moved away from Boun as he approached

"Shia this smell stuck to me" Boun sniffed himself

"Go back and change your clothes, the house is not far away"

Boun nodded and left

He came back some time later

He first entered the room where he put Prem
He took off Prem's shirt, wiped him and put on a new shirt he brought from home

"Better" Boun sighed and left the room

The event continued as usual

At the end of the event Boun returned to the room and took Prem to his house

He laid him on his bed

"You make such a mess" Boun laid down next to him

Prem turned and hugged him

"You're lucky you're kind of cute" Boun made a face

He hugged Prem back and went to sleep

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