Tidying up

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Dunk's phone vibrated waking him up
He opened his eyes and saw that Joong was not next to him

He took the phone and saw messages and missed calls from Mix and called him

"Good morning Dunk, how are you feeling? Joong did something to you? You didn't do anything right? If Joong did something to you I-" Mix said and didn't let Dunk speak

"Dad calm down Joong didn't do anything to me" Dunk interrupted him

"I swear if Joong-"

"If you're so worried why did you insist we get married?"

"He's a good guy"

"So what are you worry about?"

"I'm just taking care of my son"

"Thanks dad but you have nothing to worry about"

"Okay" Dunk heard Mix sigh "Tell me if anything happens"

"I will"


Dunk hung up

He got up and saw Joong in the kitchen making breakfast

"Oh Dunk" Joong saw Dunk "Sit down the food is ready"

Dunk sat down and Joong handed him the food

"Are you doing anything today?"  Joong asked

"No I have no plans" Dunk replied

"I was thinking maybe start tidying the house"

Dunk looked around and saw all the boxes
"Yeah good idea" Dunk nodded and continued eating

He finished his food and was going to stand up

"wait" Joong stopped him he put his hand over Dunk's mouth Dunk hesitated at first and Joong stopped

"You have-" Joong motioned to Dunk who had dirt at the corner of his mouth

"where?"  Dunk tried to take it down

Joong reached out his hand once more and this time Dunk did not flinch

He took off the dirt and smiled

Dunk felt himself blush

"Thanks" Dunk hurried to put the dishes in the sink

They finished emptying the food and stood in front of the pile of boxes

They started to open the boxes and arrange the things

they finished tidying up in the evening and sat on the couch exhausted

"It was tiring" Joong sighed

Someone rang the doorbell

"Is anyone supposed to come?"  Joong asked Dunk

"Not that I know of" Dunk shrugged

Joong got up to open the door

"Are you Joong?"  the guy at the door asked

"Yes..." Joong answered

"I have boxes here for you"

"Oh, right, the rest of the boxes" Joong remembered that there were still more boxes that hadn't been moved yet

The courier put in the boxes

He finished and Joong sat back down on the couch
"We'll leave that for tomorrow," Joong decided

Dunk nodded

"Want to watch a movie?"  Joong asked

"Yeah why not" Dunk said

Joong went to the kitchen and came back with 2 bags of blood and popcorn

He handed Dunk the bag and placed the popcorn on the table

"Relative to someone with a messy room like yours, you arranged quite nicely" Dunk opened the bag and started drinking

"The room wasn't that messy" Joong tried to defend himself

Dunk looked at him

"Ok well maybe a little but I had a reason" Joong said

"What is the reason?"

You eluded me Joong thought

"Secret" Joong said

Dunk rolled his eyes and the movie started

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