hurry home

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"shiaa" Joong stood up to Dunk who came out of the room with a suit "You are so beautiful"

He held his hands and kissed him

"Last time you didn't get along so well" the seller giggled and interrupted them

"Well now we're getting along great" Joong smiled and kissed him once more

"Get a room" Pond rolled his eyes

"You said it" Joong picked up Dunk and took him to one of the measurement chambers

"Just don't do it in the store please" the saleswoman shouted after them

"Ai Joong leave me" Dunk tried to get off but Joong held him tight

They entered a measuring chamber and he lowered him

"What are you doing?"  Dunk asked him as Joong leaned towards him

Joong didn't answer and kissed him

Dunk put his hands on Joong's neck

They were dragged into the kiss forgetting about the fact that they were in the store until the saleswoman called them

" Just don't rip the suit please" the saleswoman shouted

Dunk gave Joong a weak push to break away from him
"Our first time is not going to be in the store" he said

"So are you coming home?"  Joong asked hopefully

"First of all you need to measure your suit"

Joong nodded

They went back out to everyone

"That was fast" Pond grinned

"Shut up" Joong rolled his eyes "Where's my suit?"

"I'm still thinking about what will suit you" Off said "Pond here is your suit" Off gave Pond a suit

"Can I go into the chamber now or do you still need it?"  Pond winked at Joong

"You can" Joong smiled "Phuwin he is waiting for you" Joong turned to Phuwin who ignored him

"Hold on" Off stopped them "Phuwin? Pond? What did I miss?"

"Bye" Pond hurried to the chamber

"You really didn't see that papi?"  Gun asked him

"Noo"  Off said and Gun laughed "When did this happen? How come you didn't inform me?"  Off asked Phuwin

"It was supposed to be private" Phuwin stared at Joong who gestured for forgiveness with his hands

Off pouted and continued checking suits

"Hi Joong" he called him and handed him a suit

Joong hurried to measure it and when he got out he got permission from Off and took off the suit

"Bye" he pulled Dunk and put him in the car

He was going to drive straight home but Dunk's stomach was churning

"you are hungry?"  Joong asked realizing he would have to postpone his plan

Dunk nodded

Joong headed towards the restaurant

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now