A call to dad

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Dunk dialed Mix hoping he would have an answer to his question

"Dunkk" Mix answered almost immediately "When are you coming to visit?"

"Dad" Dunk ignored his question "How can a vampire be sick?"

"Vampire? Sick?"  Mix pondered "I read about it somewhere let me think"

Dunk waited

"Oh I remembered" Mix said after a few seconds "if a vampire wants him to be sick then he can be sick"

"But why would he want to be sick?"  Dunk asked

"Maybe he's blaming himself for something that happened" Mix said then added "Wait are you talking about someone specific? Who is it? Joong? You want me to come help you check what's going on with him?"

"No dad, thanks dad, bye dad" Dunk hung up and went back to sitting next to Joong "so you want to be sick?"  Dunk moved the hair out of his face "Why?"

He got up and went to the kitchen to prepare food for Joong


"Gem" Fourth shaked him "gem"

"What?" Gemini didn't even notice that he fell asleep
He lay next to Fourth and stroked him and probably fell asleep himself

"Maybe we'll go out for a bit?"  Fourth asked

"You're sick fotfot, you can't go out" Gemini stroked his hair

Fourth sighed and his stomach rumbled

"I'll go get you some food" Gemini got up

"Come back quickly" Fourth told him before he closed the door

When Gemini left Fourth got out of bed and opened the window

"Ford" he saw one of his friends from school passing by and waved him

"Fourth" Ford waved back "What are you doing there? Want to go out for a bit? we are meeting at JJ's bar"

Fourth pondered he wanted to go but Gemini told him to stay

"There will be karaoke and we've also brought snack ,food and alcohol," Ford added

"Ok ok I'm coming wait for me" Fourth shouted and hurried to get dressed

He hurried downstairs and went with Ford

When Gemini returned to the room it was empty

"Fotfot?"  Gemini lifted the blanket and saw that there was no one under it

"Fourth?"  He entered the shower room and did not see him

He called his phone and heard it ring on the dresser

"Shia you didn't take your phone either" Gemini took a deep breath and started thinking about the places Foruth could go now

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now