Humans are walking outside

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Fourth and Prem returned there in the morning

"The place is still scary" Prem shuddered

"Better than the dark" Fourth said

Prem agreed

They went through the houses and knocked on the doors but no response was heard from any house

They tried to open the door but the houses were locked

"Creepy" Prem said

They arrived at the house where they saw Boun yesterday

They knocked on the door but this time they heard nothing

They rang the bell and there was still no answer

Fourth took out a camera and started taking pictures of the houses to remember this terrifying experience and show Gun what they had done for him

*meanwhile at the home of the Pirapat family*

"Who rings the bell?"  Mix asked

Earth turned on the security camera outside

"It's humans...what are they doing here?"  Earth asked

"Do you think they start investigating here?"

"Look, they have a phone, they are starting to take pictures of the house"

"We need to stop them"

"no, here they are leaving"

They watched Fourth and Prem walk away

"You have to be careful, if they get close again, we'll go out on them"


Gun woke up in the morning and left the room

He ran into Luke

"Hey Gun, good morning, how are you feeling?"  Luke asked

"Good morning I'm fine I'm looking for phi Off" Gun said

"Turn here, he's in the second room on the right"

Gun went in the direction Luke told him to knock on the door and entered

Off was sleeping

Gun was about to leave when he saw that he was sleeping

He turned around but then felt something behind him

He turned and saw Off

"Are you awake?"  Gun asked and then turned red noticing how close they were

"I'm always awake" Off took one step back "Did something happen?"

"You said you would take me to my brothers"

"Oh right" Off went to the fridge in his room and took out 2 blood bags from there he threw one to Gun "drink"

Gun looked at the bag of blood

The fact that he had to drink it made him sick

But he found it stimulating

He opened the bag and the smell called to him

He felt a sharp pain in his teeth and discovered that he had grown fangs and panicked

"It's ok it's part of the process" Off said and brought him a mirror

Gun looked in the mirror and saw veins coming out of his eyes

And his eyes...they turned red

He took a step back from the mirror

"It's all good, it's because of the smell of the blood, you'll learn to control it" Off said, "and now you'll drink"

Gun drank a little

He felt the veins in his eyes and felt how his body demanded more and faster

He drank it all quickly until there was not a drop left

Off looked at him
Gun looked at the empty bag and felt disgusted with himself

"It's ok" Off came closer to hug him
Gun sobbed in Off's arms "Nobody got killed for you to drink this, you didn't do anything wrong...Come on you want to see your brothers right?"

Gun nodded and Off wiped his tears

They set off in the direction of Gun's house

vampires (JoongDunk PondPhuwin BounPrem GeminiFourth OffGun)Where stories live. Discover now