the past

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"WHAT?!"  Dunk was shocked when Mix told him about the alliance

"He'll help you get over it" Mix said

"I DON'T NEED ANYONE!"  Dunk was angry "I'll get over it myself"

"I saw how you managed well in the last six months"

Dunk was silent and bowed his head

"This is not debatable Dunk, this alliance is very important to us" Mix continued "Although the leader is new but the tribe is large, and the leader is also strong if he inherited the powers of his parents"

"I will do it for the tribe" Dunk said

"Do it for yourself too" Mix put a hand on his son's shoulder

Dunk raised his head and hugged his father

"So what are all the feelings?"  Boun entered the room throwing an apple in the air

"alliance with babii tribe" Mix said "Dunk is getting married"

"wait, what?!"  The apple fell

"Yay" Dunk cheered emotionlessly

"Why did you take him, why not me?"  Boun tried to protect his brother

"Really why me and not Boun??"  Dunk asked

"The last time we chose you to marry" Mix said to Boun "the woman you were supposed to marry and was in love with you ,regretted it ,and didn't want to get married the day after the two of you met alone and I'm pretty sure you did something ,and here I can't take that risk" Mix said

"In my defense she was snobbish and arrogant I couldn't survive that for the duration of my life which should be very long" Boun picked up the apple

Mix rolled his eyes

"Good luck brother" Boun patted Dunk on the shoulder and left

Dunk went to his room he sat down on the bed and put his legs to his chest

He reminisced about the good times he and his ex ,Drake, spent together

Then came the bad memories and with them an anxiety attack

His pulse quickened

He remembers himself going to a bar with Boun he goes outside to get some air and sees Drake with someone

He broke up with him the next day but the pain of the betrayal still stayed with him

He didn't know if he could open up and believe another human being, he didn't want to either...

"It's an alliance" Dunk thought "there should be no feelings"

He breathed and relaxed

Dunk fell asleep along with his thoughts about the past

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